Visualize Shape Optimization Results

This task shows you how to visualize shape optimization results.

  • There are three variants of shape optimization results saved in VTFX file that are accessible in Tosca ANSA® environment:
    • Optimized geometry with the fringe plot of controller input values (items under POST-PROCESSING > GENERATE_REPORT_FILE when TYPE_PROPERTY = NODAL CONTINUOUS (SHAPE) selected at CONTOUR_PLOT);
    • Optimized geometry with the fringe plot of displacements (items under POST-PROCESSING > GENERATE_REPORT_FILE when TYPE_PROPERTY = NODAL DISPLACEMENT (SHAPE) selected at CONTOUR_PLOT);
    • Geometry with test displacements and the fringe plot of displacements (items under TEST_SHAPE_CHECK in CHECK_INPUTS).

    See Changing settings of the fringe plot to control the appearance of the fringe plot.