Changing settings of the fringe plot

This task shows you how to change the settings of the fringe plot in Tosca Structure.view.

  1. In order to change the settings of the fringe plot, display Results Panel using a button on the toolbar or Panels > Results Panel main menu command.

    The Results Panel dialog appears.

  2. Change the coloring scheme in Legend Settings panel. The values corresponding to the colors can be changed by deselecting Automatic range settings check box and entering the values in Minimum and Maximum text fields or using the arrows below.

  3. To preset the minimal and maximal values for the fringe plot, set the values FRINGE MIN and FRINGE MAX in CONTOUR PLOT PARAMETERS dialog of Tosca ANSA® environment.

    This way is preferable in order not to need to modify the settings each time the VTFX file is opened, e.g., when the file is imported in Microsoft PowerPoint presentation or a web page.

    Note: The viewer is not able to modify the files, so that the settings are not saved in VTFX files.