In the previous chapter, the visualization of unprocessed
optimization results is discussed. Still, in order to be able to use
the optimization results, they are to be processed ("smoothed"). In
case of a 3-dimensional model, the first processed result is the isosurface
generated by Tosca Structure.smooth,
that can be either further modified and remeshed in Tosca ANSA® environment
or written in a required format directly by Tosca Structure.smooth.
If the starting model is 2-dimensional, the workflow remains basically
the same except that the surface simply gets modified and no remeshing
is needed. Using Tosca Structure.view,
one is able to view the processed optimization results via VTFX
files that are also generated by Tosca Structure.smooth.
Tosca ANSA® environment
is also suitable for analyzing the result of the optimization visually.
A complete analysis of a finished optimization task can be only achieved
by the validation run of the FE solver corresponding to the initial model.
The possibility to create the model for the validation run is provided
by Tosca ANSA® environment.
Alternatively, external postprocessors can be used to generate a model
for finite element analysis, using the results of Tosca Structure.smooth
as starting point.