Result Transfer

If requested, Tosca Structure.smooth outputs the generated (iso)surface in a format suitable for the result transfer. Tosca Structure.smooth enables the output of the (iso)surface in IGES and STL formats as well as the output of slices in IGES or CLI format.

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Modification File for CATIA RSO Module
Modification File for NX

Result transfer to CATIA RSO module

The results of the shape optimization can be transferred to the CAD model in such a way that the results are used to deform/modify the geometry of the CAD based component. All modifications added by the optimization system will be applied. To obtain the modification file, a specific USERFILE definition has to be activated in your parameter file. In your installation directory the macro uf_shape_catia_rso.mac already contains the necessary output request.

Result transfer to NX

The results of the shape optimization can be transferred to the CAD model in such a way that the results are used to deform/modify the geometry of the CAD based component. All modifications added by the optimization system will be applied. To obtain the modification file, a specific USERFILE definition has to be activated in your parameter file. In your installation directory the macro uf_shape_nx_deform.mac already contains the necessary output request. In NX the function "global deformation/Point from File" can be used for further processing.