These files can be used, for example, to evaluate the results in a spreadsheet program (ASCII data) or convert geometric information (ONF format) into data for viewer or postprocessor.To generate results files several settings must be set for every output file created:
The most important property is the type of the results. Different types of data are permitted depending on the output format set. More information concerning what kind of data is allowed for a certain output format can be found in the Commands Manual. The node coordinates or the properties of the nodes in the shape optimization (free or restricted) are examples of useful output results. The values can be written at the end of the optimization or for each optimization iteration. ExamplesThe tension stress in a notch is homogenized using shape optimization. All relevant nodes of the two-dimensional model are in the node group nd_ground. The tension data should be written for all iterations in the ASCII file, GROUND.INFO. The necessary command sequence is the following: USER_FILE ID_NAME = my_user_file FILE_NAME = FORMAT = ASCII ND_GROUP = nd_ground TYPE = NODE_MOVE_PATH WRITE = EVER END_ RemarksExperience has shown that certain user-defined command sequences are often used to generate result files. Therefore, it is recommended that the user collects these commands in a macro and saves this macro in a directory. These macros can then be loaded with the command INCLUDE during the optimization preprocessing. Tabular OutputPer default, SIMULIA Tosca Structure always writes a file optimization_report.csv containing the progress of the value(s) of the objective function and objective function terms as well as the constraint terms. If other design responses or variable values are required, these can be compiled to a table with the following command sequence: DRESP ... (several DRESP definitions, e.g. DRESP_MAX_MISES) END_ VARIABLE ... (several variable definitions for later reference) END_ USER_FILE ID_NAME = tab1 FILE_NAME = my_table FILE_OPTION = ADD FORMAT = ASCII WRITE = EVER TYPE = TABULAR SEPARATOR = COMMA DATA_TAB = ITER DATA_TAB = DRESP_MAX_MISES DATA_TAB = ... END_ Modification File for CATIA RSO ModuleThe results of the shape optimization can be transferred to the CAD model in such a way that the results are used to deform/modify the geometry of the CAD based component. All modifications added by the optimization system will be applied. To obtain the modification file, a specific USERFILE definition has to be activated in your parameter file. In your installation directory the macro uf_shape_catia_rso.mac already contains the necessary output request. USER_FILE ID_NAME = UF_RSO FILE_NAME = RSO_OUTPUT.TXT FILE_OPTION = VAR FORMAT = ASCII ND_GROUP = all_nodes TYPE = CATIA_RSO WRITE = EVER SEPARATOR = TAB TITLE_1 = x(mm) # y(mm) # z(mm) # C1(mm) # C2(mm) # C3(mm) END_ Modification File for NXThe results of the shape optimization can be transferred to the CAD model in such a way that the results are used to deform/modify the geometry of the CAD based component. All modifications added by the optimization system will be applied. To obtain the modification file, a specific USERFILE definition has to be activated in your parameter file. In your installation directory the macro uf_shape_nx_deform.mac already contains the necessary output request. USER_FILE ID_NAME = NX_DEFORM_ORG FORMAT = ASCII ND_GROUP = ALL_NODES TYPE = NX_DEFORM_ORG FILE_NAME = NX_DEFORM_ORGINAL.DAT FILE_OPTION = FIX WRITE = NOW SEPARATOR = COMMA END_ USER_FILE ID_NAME = NX_DEFORM_MOD FORMAT = ASCII ND_GROUP = ALL_NODES TYPE = NX_DEFORM_MOD FILE_NAME = NX_DEFORM_MODIFIED_MESH.DAT FILE_OPTION = VAR WRITE = EVER SEPARATOR = COMMA END_ ONF OutputThe output of optimization results and model information is required in ONF format (Optimization Neutral Format) when other postprocessing possibilities are needed. Model and result information in ONF format form the basis for the calculation of isosurfaces with Tosca Structure.smooth. ONF data is also needed for the preparation of the optimization results for FE postprocessing. In general, ONF data is written per default. If the user requires specific information (e.g., only part of the model) this can be requested with the user file command, parameter FORMAT=ONF. The node and element information can be written using TYPE=FINITE_MODEL (for an example, see the macro uf_model_onf.mac). The macro uf_topo_onf.mac defines the output of the results of the topological optimization in ONF format. |