PreprocessingThe preprocessing of the durability analysis has to be performed additionally to the finite element and the optimization preprocessing. All control files have to be generated before starting the optimization procedure. A damage calculation run should be performed in advance to check if all necessary data is available and the durability analysis runs in batch mode without any errors. Optimization LoopAfter the solver call, a damage solver call is added.
Adding Life File to FEM_INPUTSIMULIA Tosca Structure needs information about the used input file(s) for the life solver. This is added in the FEM_INPUT command: FEM_INPUT ID_NAME = FILE_INFO FILE = static_analysis.ext LIFE_FILE = life_input.ext END_ Note:
For some life solvers it is often needed to add some extra files in working directory - files that SIMULIA Tosca Structure not always recognizes as default files. The easiest way to copy these files into the optimization working directory is by using the COPY_FILE command: FEM_INPUT ID_NAME = FILE_INFO FILE = static_analysis.ext LIFE_FILE = life_input.ext COPY_FILE = some_extra_file.ext COPY_FILE = some_other_extra_file.ext END_ In the example above the two files some_extra_file.ext and some_other_extra_file.ext are copied into the working directory at the start of the optimization. See also configuration possibility add_files_to_work_dir. Defining the Objective FunctionThe design response that is referenced in the OBJ_FUNC command must have the type = DAMAGE. The objective function is formulated as a minimization of the maximum damage. DRESP ID_NAME = dresp_damage DEF_TYPE = SYSTEM ND_GROUP = design_nodes TYPE = DAMAGE GROUP_OPER = MAX UPDATE = EVER END_ OBJ_FUNC ID_NAME = minimize_damage DRESP = dresp_damage TARGET = MIN END_ Starting the Optimization in Tosca ANSA® environment
Starting the Optimization in Tosca Structure.gui
Starting the Optimization on the Command LineSpecify the damage solver using the ’--life’ flag on the command line. Example with femfat: tosca2018 hole_damage --solver mscnastran --life femfat
PostprocessingAfter the optimization is finished, all SIMULIA Tosca Structure postprocessing capabilities are available (see Postprocessing of Optimization Results and Result Transfer and Validation Run). Additionally, the damage results may be used for postprocessing. The corresponding result files are stored in the SAVE directories of the optimization system. |