User subroutine interface
subroutine vuexpan (
C Read only (unmodifiable)variables -
* nblock,
* nDir,
* nShr,
* nExpanType,
* nElem,
* nIntPt,
* nLayer,
* nSectPt,
* stepTime,
* totalTime,
* dt,
* cmname,
* nstatev,
* nfieldv,
* nprops,
* props,
* tempOld,
* tempNew,
* fieldOld,
* fieldNew,
* stateOld,
* stateNew,
C Write only (modifiable) variable -
* strainThInc,
* dStrainTherDT )
include ''
* strainThInc(nblock,nDir+nShr),
* dstrainThIncDT(nblock,nDir+nShr),
* nElem(nblock),
* tempOld(nblock),
* tempNew(nblock),
* fieldOld(nblock),
* fieldNew(nblock),
* stateOld(nblock),
* stateNew(nblock),
* props(nprops)
character*80 cmname
do 100 km = 1, nblock
user coding to define strainThInc,dStrainTherDT
100 continue
Variables to be defined
- strainThInc
Increments of thermal strain. The number of values to be defined and the
order in which they are arranged depend on the type of thermal expansion being
For isotropic expansion give the isotropic thermal strain increment as
the first and only component of the matrix.
For orthotropic expansion give ,
as the first, second, and third components of the matrix, respectively.
For anisotropic expansion give ,
and .
Direct components are stored first, followed by shear components in the order
presented here. For plane stress only three components of the matrix are
needed; give ,
as the first, second, and third components, respectively.
- dStrainTherDT
Variation of thermal strains with respect to temperature,
The number of values and the order in which they are arranged depend on the
type of thermal expansion being defined.
For isotropic expansion give the variation of the isotropic thermal
strain with respect to temperature as the first and only component of the
For orthotropic expansion give ,
as the first, second, and third components of the matrix, respectively.
For anisotropic expansion give ,
and .
Direct components are stored first, followed by shear components in the order
presented here. For plane stress only three components of the matrix are
needed; give ,
as the first, second, and third components, respectively.
Variables passed in for information
- nblock
Number of points to be processed in this call to
- nDir
Number of direct components in a symmetric tensor.
- nShr
Number of indirect components in a symmetric tensor.
- nExpansionType
The thermal expansion type: 1 for isotropic expansion, 2 for orthotropic
expansion, and 3 for anisotropic expansion.
- nElem
User-defined element number.
- nInt
Integration point number.
- nLayer
Layer number.
- nSectPt
Section point number in the current layer.
- stepTime
Value of time since the step began.
- totalTime
Value of total time. The time at the beginning of step is given by
totalTime -
- dt
Time increment size.
- cmname
- User-specified material name, left justified. It is passed
in as an uppercase character string. Some internal material models are given
names starting with the "ABQ_" character string. To avoid a conflict, you
should not use "ABQ_" as the leading string for
- nstatev
Number of user-defined state variables that are associated with this
- nfieldv
Number of user-defined external field variables.
- nprops
User-specified number of user-defined thermal expansion properties.
- props
User-supplied thermal expansion properties.
- tempOld
Temperatures at each material point at the beginning of the increment.
- tempNew
Temperatures at each material point at the end of the increment.
- fieldOld
Values of user-defined field variables at each material point at the
beginning of the increment.
- fieldNew
Values of user-defined field variables at each material point at the end of
the increment.
- stateOld
Values of state variables at each material point at the beginning of the
- stateNew
Values of state variables at each material point at the end of the