TypeHistory data
Abaqus/CAEInteraction module
Required parameters
Set this parameter equal to the name of the master surface of the contact
pair used in the pressure penetration analysis.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the slave surface of the contact
pair used in the pressure penetration analysis.

Optional parameters
Set this parameter equal to the name of the amplitude curve that defines the
variation of the fluid pressure during the step. If this parameter is omitted,
the reference magnitude is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or
ramped up linearly over the step, depending on the value assigned to the AMPLITUDE parameter on the
STEP option (see
Defining an analysis).
- OP
Set OP=MOD (default) for existing pressure penetration loads to remain,
with this option modifying existing pressure penetration loads or defining
additional pressure penetration loads.
Set OP=NEW if all existing pressure penetration loads applied to the
model should be removed. New pressure penetration loads can be defined.
Set this parameter equal to a time period over which the fluid pressure on
newly penetrated contact surface segments is ramped up to the current
magnitude. The default penetration time period is chosen to be 0.001 of the
current step time. This parameter will be neglected in a linear perturbation
analysis, in which case the current fluid pressure will be applied immediately
once the pressure penetration criterion is satisfied.
This parameter only applies to two dimensional elements.
Set WETTED FRONT=NODE (default) to indicate the fluid pressure loading is applied
only to the wetted region until the front penetrated node.
Set WETTED FRONT=MID ELEMENT to indicate that the fluid pressure loading is ramped down and
also applied to the unwetted front element region beyond the front penetrated

lines to define the pressure penetration loads
- First line
A node or node set on the slave surface that is exposed to the fluid. If a
node set label is given, it can contain only one node for two dimensional
models; while for three dimensional models, it can contain any number of nodes.
A node or node set on the master surface that is exposed to the fluid. If a
node set label is given, it can contain only one node for two dimensional
models; while for three dimensional models, it can contain any number of nodes.
This field should be left blank if the master surface is an analytical rigid
surface. This field can be also left blank for a three-dimensional model even
if the master surface is not an analytical rigid surface.
Fluid pressure magnitude.
Enter the critical contact pressure below which fluid penetration starts to
occur. The higher this value, the easier the fluid penetrates. The default is
zero, in which case fluid penetration occurs only if contact is lost.
Repeat this data line as
often as necessary to define fluid penetrations from different locations on the
surface, possibly with different fluid pressure magnitudes. Alternatively, the
PRESSURE PENETRATION option can be repeated (if, for example, a different
amplitude reference is needed).