Accessodb.steps()[name].historyRegions()[name] HistoryRegion(...)
This method creates a HistoryRegion object. Pathodb.steps()[name].HistoryRegion
Prototypeodb_HistoryRegion& HistoryRegion(const odb_String& name, const odb_String& description, const odb_HistoryPoint& point, const odb_LoadCase& loadCase); Required arguments
Optional arguments
Return valueA HistoryRegion object. ExceptionsNone. getSubset(...)
This method returns a subset of the data in the HistoryRegion object. Prototypeodb_HistoryRegion getSubset(const odb_String& variableName); Required arguments
Optional argumentsNone. Return valueA HistoryRegion object. ExceptionsNone. getSubset(...)
This method returns a subset of the data in the HistoryRegion object. Prototypeodb_HistoryRegion getSubset(float start); Required arguments
Optional argumentsNone. Return valueA HistoryRegion object. ExceptionsNone. getSubset(...)
This method returns a subset of the data in the HistoryRegion object. Prototypeodb_HistoryRegion getSubset(float start, float end); Required arguments
Optional argumentsNone. Return valueA HistoryRegion object. ExceptionsNone. MembersThe HistoryRegion object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the HistoryRegion method. In addition, the HistoryRegion object can have the following members: Prototypeodb_String description() const; const odb_LoadCase& loadCase() const; odb_String name() const; odb_HistoryPoint point() const; odb_Enum::odb_ResultPositionEnum position() const; const odb_HistoryOutputRepository& historyOutputs();