This method modifies the FreeBodyReportOptions object.
Optional arguments
- numDigits
An Int specifying the number of decimal places. The default value is 3.
- forceThreshold
A Float specifying the threshold value for force. The default value is 10–6.
- momentThreshold
A Float specifying the threshold value for moment. The default value is 10–6.
- numberFormat
A SymbolicConstant specifying the number format. Possible values are SCIENTIFIC, FIXED, and ENGINEERING. The default value is SCIENTIFIC.
- reportFormat
A SymbolicConstant specifying the report format. Possible values are NORMAL_ANNOTATED and COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES. The default value is NORMAL_ANNOTATED.
- csysType
A SymbolicConstant specifying the coordinate system type. Possible values are GLOBAL and LOCAL. The default value is GLOBAL.
Return value
A FreeBodyReportOptions object.