Displaying a vector symbol plot

Use the Field Output toolbar to specify the variable you want to plot. When you select a symbol variable from the toolbar, the Visualization module automatically switches the display to plot symbols on the deformed model shape.

  1. From the list of variable types on the left side of the Field Output toolbar, select Symbol.

  2. From the list of output variables in the center of the toolbar, select U (spatial displacement at nodes).

  3. From the list of vector quantities and components on the right side of the toolbar, select RESULTANT as the vector quantity. This selection indicates that you want to plot the magnitudes of the displacement vectors.

    Abaqus displays the magnitude of the displacement vector on the deformed model shape on a symbol plot in the current viewport, as shown in Figure 1.

    Tip: You can also display a symbol plot using the tool in the Visualization module toolbox or by selecting PlotSymbolsOn Deformed Shape.
    Figure 1. Symbol plot of displacement.

    The arrows represent the total displacement at each node. The length of the arrow represents the magnitude of the displacement, and the direction of the arrow represents the direction of the displacement. The symbol plot legend shows how each arrow color corresponds to a specific range of values.

    If your symbol plot is different from Figure 1, you may have selected the incorrect output variable.