ProductsAbaqus/StandardAbaqus/Explicit IntroductionParametric studies require that multiple analyses be performed to provide information about the behavior of a structure or component at different design points in a design space. The inputs for these analyses differ only in the values assigned to the parameters of a parametrized keyword input file (identified with the .inp extension). Parametric studies in Abaqus require a user-developed Python script in a file (identified with the .psf extension) that contains Python commands to define the parametric study. For example, consider a case where you wish to perform a parametric study in which the thickness of a shell is varied. You need to create a parametrized input file (in this example, a file named shell.inp) containing the parameter definition PARAMETER thick1 = 5. and the parameter usage: SHELL SECTION,ELSET=name, MATERIAL=name <thick1> You create the parametric study by developing a .psf file that contains a script of Python instructions specifying the different designs that are to be analyzed, as follows: thick = ParStudy(par='thick1', name='shell') thick.define(CONTINUOUS, par='thick1', domain=(10., 20.)) thick.sample(NUMBER, par='thick1', number=5) thick.combine(MESH) These scripting commands create five designs with corresponding section thicknesses of 10., 12.5, 15., 17.5, and 20.0. Each of these thicknesses will, in turn, replace the value of 5. specified in the parameter definition in shell.inp. You may then provide additional Python scripting commands in the .psf file instructing Abaqus to do the following:
You generally want to review certain key results from the large amount of data that is generated by a parametric study. Abaqus provides the following capabilities for this purpose:
Organization of parametric studiesA parametric study in Abaqus is associated with a particular set of parameters that define the design space. Only the values of the parameters can change in a parametric study. A new parametric study must be created if you wish to consider a different set of parameters. Having selected the parameters to be considered in a parametric study, you must specify how each parameter is defined. Parameters are distinguished as either continuous or discrete in nature and may have a domain and reference value. The design points in the design space that are to be analyzed are created by specifying sample values for each parameter (sampling) and by combining the parameter samples to create sets of design points. A few simple commands are provided for parameter value sampling and for combining the sampled parameter values; these commands are described in detail later. An initial definition and sampling of the parameters in the parametric study must be given before any combinations of parameter samples can be specified. After the first combination the initial definition and/or sampling of any individual parameter can be changed before the next combination is specified, thus providing a great deal of flexibility within one parametric study. The domain of possible values and the reference value for a parameter given in the parameter definition can be temporarily redefined in any sampling of that parameter by specifying them differently during the sampling. You need not specify the parameter domain and reference value in the parameter definition so long as these are specified during sampling. Design constraints can be imposed on all of the designs. A design that violates any of the constraints will be eliminated. Finally, after all parametric study variations have been analyzed, you can gather and report results across all or some of the designs of the parametric study. In summary, parametric studies in Abaqus are organized as follows:
Note: The sequence of steps—define, sample, and combine—can be repeated as often as is necessary to create all the required design sets. Multiple parametric studies can be performed on a model contained in one input file. In general, more parameters will be defined and used in place of input quantities in the input file than those involved in any particular parametric study. In these cases parameters not involved in a particular parametric study will retain their values defined in the input file for the purposes of that parametric study. Therefore, we can think of the parameter values defined in the input file as representing a nominal design; parametric studies create modified designs by overwriting the values of some (or all) parameters. Defining the design spaceThe design space is defined by the selection of the parameters to be varied in the study as well as the specification of the parameter types and possible values they can have. Parametric study creationUse the aStudy=ParStudy scripting command (see aStudy=ParStudy()) to create a parametric study and select the independent parameters to be considered for variation. aStudy is the Python variable name assigned by you to the parametric study object created by the command. The methods of the parametric study object are used to carry out all the actions of the parametric study. Input File Usage aStudy=ParStudy (par=, name=, verbose=, directory=) Parameter definitionUse the aStudy.define command (see aStudy.define()) to specify the parameter type (choose the CONTINUOUS or the DISCRETE token; a token is a symbolic constant used to select an option within a specific command) and, optionally, to specify the domain of possible parameter values and a reference value for the parameter. If the domain and/or reference value are not specified in this command, they can be specified in the parameter sampling. Redefinitions of a parameter are treated as complete redefinitions; that is, no information is retained from the previous definition of that parameter. Input File Usage aStudy.define (token, par=, domain=, reference=) CONTINUOUS parameter typeIn this case the parameter can take any value in a continuous domain specified by minimum and maximum values; for example, domain=(3., 10.). DISCRETE parameter typeIn this case the parameter can take only the values specified in a list that defines the discrete domain; for example, domain=(1, 4, 9, 16). Sampling and combining parameter values to create sets of design pointsEach parameter in the parametric study must be sampled before the combination operation is used to create the first set of design points. Any parameter in the parametric study can be redefined or resampled before a subsequent combination operation is performed. Parameter samplingUse the aStudy.sample command (see aStudy.sample()) and choose one of the available tokens (INTERVAL, NUMBER, REFERENCE, or VALUES) to select how the sampling is done. The sampling data that must be given depend on how the sampling is done, as described next. Sampling by INTERVALThis sampling command assumes that you specify a domain of possible parameter values and wish to sample parameter values at fixed intervals in the domain. Sampling of the extreme values of the parameter is always done. The number of parameter values sampled depends on the interval and the domain. Because the extreme values are sampled, the last sampling interval will generally be smaller than the interval you specify. The domain specification in this sampling command is optional:
The sampling interval is interpreted differently for continuous and discrete parameters:
The interval can have a positive or negative value (zero is not permitted). A positive interval indicates that sampling starts at the minimum value for a continuous parameter or at the first value in the list of values for a discrete parameter (forward sampling). A negative interval indicates that sampling starts at the maximum value for a continuous parameter or at the last value in the list of values for a discrete parameter (reverse sampling). Reverse sampling is useful when the TUPLE combination operation is used (see the discussion of combination of parameter samples). Two special cases of the INTERVAL option are noteworthy:
Input File Usage aStudy.sample (INTERVAL, par=, interval=, domain=) Sampling by NUMBERThis sampling option assumes that you specify a domain of possible parameter values and wish to sample a fixed number of parameter values in the domain. Except for a special case documented below, sampling of the extreme values of the parameter is always done. The parameter is sampled at equally spaced intervals (with some exceptions for discrete parameters, as discussed below) and the size of the interval depends on the number of values sampled as well as the domain. The domain specification in this sampling command is optional:
The sampling interval is calculated and interpreted differently for continuous and discrete parameters:
Three special cases of the NUMBER option are noteworthy:
Specification of number=0 is not permitted. A negative value for number is permitted; this indicates that the sampling is to be in reverse order. For continuous parameters reverse order means that the first sampled value is the largest and the last sampled value is the smallest. For discrete parameters reverse order means that the first sampled value is the last in the list of values and the last sampled value is the first in the list of values. Sampling in reverse order is useful when the TUPLE combination operation is used (see the discussion of combination of parameter samples). Input File Usage aStudy.sample (NUMBER, par=, number=, domain=) Sampling by REFERENCEThis sampling option allows you to specify a reference value for the parameter and to sample parameter values with respect to this reference value. It is useful for studying alternate designs with respect to an existing (reference) design. This sampling command creates sample values symmetrically about the reference value at multiples of a given interval; in addition, the reference value is also sampled. The number of parameter values in the sample depends on the number of symmetrical pairs of values you specify. The reference value specification in this sampling option is optional:
The reference value is interpreted differently for continuous and discrete parameters:
A reference value that falls outside the domain definition for the parameter is flagged as an error. The sampling interval is interpreted differently for continuous and discrete parameters:
The specified interval can have a positive or negative value, but a value of zero is not permitted. A positive interval indicates that the list of sampled values starts with the smallest sampled value for a continuous parameter or with the sampled value closest to the beginning of the list of values for a discrete parameter (forward sampling). A negative interval indicates that the list of sampled values starts with the largest sampled value for a continuous parameter or with the sampled value closest to the end of the list of values for a discrete parameter (reverse sampling). Reverse sampling is useful when the TUPLE combination operation is used (see the discussion on combination of parameter samples). The number of symmetrical pairs you specify must be zero or a positive integer; setting the number of symmetrical pairs equal to zero indicates that only the reference value is sampled. The domain specification in this command is optional:
A domain specification (either in this command or in the define command) is required for discrete valued parameters because the possible discrete values that can be sampled must be known. Although a domain specification is not required for continuous valued parameters, it may be given. In either the case of discrete parameters or the case of continuous parameters, a domain specification can be used to limit the number of values sampled using the REFERENCE option since the domain is treated as a bound on the possible sampling values. For example, specifying reference=50., interval=10., and numSymPairs=3 for a continuous parameter with domain=(35., 100.) will sample values of 40., 50., 60., 70., and 80. for this parameter. The minimum value of the domain acts as a bound in this sampling. Input File Usage aStudy.sample (REFERENCE, par=, reference=, interval=, numSymPairs=, domain=) Sampling by VALUESThis sampling option assumes that you wish to create the parameter sample values directly. You must specify the actual parameter values, irrespective of whether the parameter is continuous or discrete. A parameter domain specified in the define command does not affect the values sampled for the parameter when this option is used. Input File Usage aStudy.sample (VALUES, par=, values=) Combination of parameter samplesUse the aStudy.combine command (see aStudy.combine()) to create sets of design points from the parameter samples. Choose how the combining is done using one of the following tokens: MESH, TUPLE, or CROSS. The use of each combination command results in the creation of a number of design points, which are grouped into design sets. If a combine operation creates a design that duplicates a design in an existing design set, the duplicate design is deleted immediately. The total number of designs in a parametric study (before the application of any design constraints) is the sum of the number of designs in each design set. You can name a design set; if you do not, it is named by default. The default naming convention is p1 for the first non-user-named design set in the parametric study, p2 for the second non-user-named design set, and so on. The design set name is used to help identify individual designs. A design set named by you with a name identical to a previously specified design set name indicates that it is a respecification of the design set and, thus, overwrites the previously existing one. Input File Usage aStudy.combine (token, name=) MESH combinationThis combine option indicates that every sampled value for a parameter is to be combined with every sampled value of every other parameter in the parametric study. The following examples illustrate the use of the MESH combine option. In a two-parameter study with the parameters defined and sampled as study=ParStudy(par=('par1', 'par2')) study.define(DISCRETE, par='par1', domain=(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13)) study.sample(REFERENCE, par='par1', reference=0, interval=2, numSymPairs=2) study.define(CONTINUOUS, par='par2', domain=(10., 60.)) study.sample(INTERVAL, par='par2', interval=20.) the combine command study.combine(MESH, name='dSet1') creates the following 12 design points (par1, par2): (1, 10.), (5, 10.), (9, 10.), (1, 30.), (5, 30.), (9, 30.), (1, 50.), (5, 50.), (9, 50.), (1, 60.), (5, 60.), and (9, 60.) (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Design points in design set dSet1
created with the MESH option of the combine
![]() A second use of the combine command preceded by a respecification of the parameter sampling study.sample(NUMBER, par='par1', number=3) study.sample(NUMBER, par='par2', number=3) study.combine(MESH, name='dSet2') creates designs at the following nine points: (1, 10.), (7, 10.), (13, 10.), (1, 35.), (7, 35.), (13, 35.), (1, 60.), (7, 60.), and (13, 60.) (see Figure 2). The extreme and center values of both parameters are combined. Figure 2. Design points in design set dSet2
created with the MESH option of the combine command
after the parameter sampling is redefined.
![]() TUPLE combinationThis combine option creates design sets consisting of n-tuples of the sampled parameter values, where n is the number of parameters in the parametric study. Each n-tuple consists of one sampled value for each parameter. For example, in a three-parameter study the first sampled value of each of the three parameters makes up the first 3-tuple, the second sampled value of each of the three parameters makes up the second 3-tuple, and so on. The creation of tuples ceases when any of the parameter samples runs out of sampled values. The following examples illustrate the use of the TUPLE combination operation. For a two-parameter study with the parameters defined and sampled as study=ParStudy(par=('par1', 'par2')) study.define(DISCRETE, par='par1', domain=(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13)) study.define(CONTINUOUS, par='par2', domain=(10., 60.)) study.sample(INTERVAL, par='par1', interval=1) study.sample(INTERVAL, par='par2', interval=10.) the combination operation study.combine(TUPLE, name='dSet3') creates designs at the following 6 points: (1, 10.), (3, 20.), (5, 30.), (7, 40.), (9, 50.), and (11, 60.) (see Figure 3). This represents a diagonal pattern in the two-parameter space. We see that all par2 values are used in the tuple combination but the last par1 value is not used because there are no more par2 sample values to form additional tuples. Figure 3. Design points in design set dSet3
created with the TUPLE option of the combine
![]() A second invocation of the above combine command after respecifying the par2 sampling as study.sample(INTERVAL, par='par2', interval=-10.) study.combine(TUPLE, name='dSet4') creates designs at the following 6 points: (1, 60.), (3, 50.), (5, 40.), (7, 30.), (9, 20.), and (11, 10.) (see Figure 4). This represents the other diagonal in the two-parameter space. Figure 4. Design points in design set dSet4
created with the TUPLE option of the combine command
after the parameter sampling is redefined.
![]() CROSS combinationThis combine option creates designs in the form of “cross-shaped” patterns as follows: each value sampled for an individual parameter is combined with the reference value, as specified in the define command, of all the other parameters used in the parametric study. To use the CROSS combine option, it is necessary to specify a reference value in the define command for all parameters in the parametric study. The reference value specified for a parameter in the define command does not have to coincide with a value sampled by that parameter's sampling rule. However, if the reference value does not coincide with a sampled value, the reference parameter value is not added to the list of sampled values for that parameter; it is used only to form the CROSS combination. The following examples illustrate the use of the CROSS combine option. For a two-parameter study with the parameters defined and sampled as study=ParStudy(par=('par1', 'par2')) study.define(DISCRETE, par='par1', domain=(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13), reference=3) study.define(CONTINUOUS, par='par2', domain=(10., 60.), reference=40.) study.sample(REFERENCE, par='par1', interval=1, numSymPairs=3) study.sample(INTERVAL, par='par2', interval=10.) the combine cross option study.combine(CROSS, name='dSet5') creates designs at the following 12 points: (1, 40.), (3, 40.), (5, 40.), (7, 40.), (9, 40.), (11, 40.), (13, 40.), (7, 10.), (7, 20.), (7, 30.), (7, 50.), and (7, 60.) (see Figure 5). This combination is a cross-shaped pattern where the cross intersection is at (7, 40.) as specified [7 is the fourth value (reference=3) of the discrete parameter par1]. Figure 5. Design points in design set dSet5
created with the CROSS option of the combine
![]() A second invocation of the above combine command after respecifying par2 as study.define(CONTINUOUS, par='par2', domain=(10., 60.), reference=45.) study.combine(CROSS, name='dSet6') creates designs at the following 13 design points: (1, 45.), (3, 45.), (5, 45.), (7, 45.), (9, 45.), (11, 45.), (13, 45.), (7, 10.), (7, 20.), (7, 30.), (7, 40.), (7, 50.), and (7, 60.) (see Figure 6). Constraining designsA constraint that determines the allowable design points in the parametric study can be specified using the aStudy.constrain scripting command (see aStudy.constrain()). When such a constraint is specified, existing designs that violate the constraint are eliminated immediately. For example, the constrain command aStudy.constrain('height*width < 12.')
where height and width are parameters in the parametric study, can be used to enforce that the cross-sectional area of a rectangular beam must be less than 12.0 in all designs. Input File Usage aStudy.constrain ('constraint expression') Figure 6. Design points in design set dSet6
created with the CROSS option of the combine command
when the parameter par2 is redefined.
![]() Generation and execution of the designs of a parametric studyOnce the required design points have been specified, it is necessary to generate the corresponding analysis job data and execute the analyses. Generation of analysis job dataUse the aStudy.generate scripting command (see aStudy.generate()) to generate an input file for each design. The name of the parametrized template input file from which the input files of each design are generated must be specified. The naming convention for the input files generated by the parametric study is as follows:
As usual, the input files each have the extension .inp. You can examine and/or edit these input files before execution. The generate command creates a file with the .var extension that contains a description of the parametric study. This file is given the parametric study name—for example, studyName.var—and contains a list of all the designs generated, together with the parameter values associated with each design. You can examine and/or edit this file; however, editing this file will affect the gathering of results across the designs of the parametric study (see “Gathering results”). Each time the generate command is used, new versions of the studyName.var files are created reflecting the designs specified by all previous combine commands. The define, sample, and combine steps are performed before the generate command is executed. It is, thus, possible for you to refer to parameters that do not exist or are not independent parameters in the template input file. These errors are detected and flagged by the generate command. Input File Usage aStudy.generate (template) Execution of the analysis of the designs of a parametric studyUse the aStudy.execute command (see aStudy.execute()) to execute the analysis of the designs of the study. The command will submit a number of analysis jobs for execution under the control of a Python process. All designs can be evaluated without further user interaction by specifying the ALL or DISTRIBUTED options of this command, or you can control the execution of the analyses interactively by specifying the INTERACTIVE option. In the interactive case you are prompted for further execution instructions. The prompt allows you to:
The interactive option is useful because it provides the opportunity to:
The ALL and INTERACTIVE tokens are used for sequential execution of the Abaqus analyses on your machine. The DISTRIBUTED token can be used to schedule analysis jobs on multiple machines or multiple CPUs of one machine. The DISTRIBUTED option is available only on variants of the Linux operating system. In particular the implementation depends on the operating system for support of the rsh, rcp, and xhostLinux commands. Because of the use of these commands, it is necessary that for distributed execution of parametric studies the parametric study must itself be executed on your local computer. If binary results are output during the analyses, both the local and remote computers must be binary compatible. Before the distributed execution capability can be used, it is necessary to configure the appropriate queue interfaces in the Abaqus environment file. Each analysis of a design of the parametric study that is executed when you issue the execute command is, by default, executed by Abaqus in background mode, irrespective of the command option used. Files created by the Abaqus analysis of each design will overwrite any existing files of the same name without you being prompted. You can add any necessary Abaqus execution options (refer to Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit execution) to the execution command for each of the analyses by specifying them with the execOptions option. Input File Usage aStudy.execute (token, files= , queues= , execOptions= ) Parametric study resultsOnce the analyses associated with a parametric study have been executed, the variation of key results across the different designs can be examined. First, results must be gathered from the results file or output database of each of the analyses; then, these results must be reported. The aStudy.output command (see aStudy.output()) can be used to specify the source of the results to be gathered. All arguments to the aStudy.output command are optional: the specification of the file, the analysis step, and the increment (for non-frequency steps) or the mode (for frequency steps) from which the results are to be gathered. If the file is not specified, the results (.fil) file will be used. If the step is not specified, it must be specified in the gather command (see the discussion that follows). The defaults of the increment (for non-frequency steps) or the mode (for frequency steps) are the last increment of the step and the first mode calculated in the step unless specified in the gather command. Some arguments are applicable only to the output (.odb) database: the instance name, the request type (field or history), the frame value where the results are to be gathered, and whether the memory used to access an output database should be overlayed when a different output database is accessed. The specification of the source of the gathered results remains in effect for all subsequent gather commands until the source is respecified. Respecification of the gathering source is treated as a complete respecification; that is, nothing is retained from the previous specification of the gathering source. Input File Usage aStudy.output (file=, instance=, overlay=, request=, step=, frameValue= | inc= | mode=) Gathering resultsUse the aStudy.gather command (see aStudy.gather()) to gather results from the results file or output database of each of the analyses. In each use of the gather command you must specify a name that is associated with the gathered result record. This label is used to refer to the results record in the report commands. When gathering results from the results (.fil) file, each result record to be gathered must be chosen by specifying one of the available output variable identifier keys appearing under the .fil column heading in Abaqus/Standard output variable identifiers or Abaqus/Explicit output variable identifiers. For example, the U or S variable identifier keys can be specified, but the U1 or S11 variable identifier keys cannot be specified. In addition, the MODAL variable identifier key can be specified to gather eigenvalue results records (those written to the results file with the record key 1980); in this case, no variable location data are required. When gathering results from the output (.odb) database, each result record to be gathered is chosen by specifying one of the available output variable identifier keys appearing under the .odb column heading in Abaqus/Standard output variable identifiers or Abaqus/Explicit output variable identifiers. For field output the component must not be specified, while for history output the component number is required; for example, the U or S variable identifier keys can be specified for field output, while the U1 or S11 variable identifier keys can be specified for history output. Unless the output is at the assembly level, an instance name must be provided as an argument to the gather command. An exception to this instance-name requirement is the case where the output (.odb) database is generated from a model not defined as an assembly of part instances, which is inferred from the presence in the output database of a single assembly named Assembly-1 and a single part instance named PART–1–1. In this case you need not explicitly refer to the instance PART–1–1. The names of components of the result records are created automatically. For example, the command myStudy.gather(results='e52_stress', variable='S', element=52) creates a result record e52_stress whose six components (in the case of a three-dimensional solid element) are named: e52_stress.1 (the S11 stress component), e52_stress.2 (the S22 stress component), e52_stress.3 (the S33 stress component), e52_stress.4 (the S12 stress component), e52_stress.5 (the S13 stress component), and e52_stress.6 (the S23 stress component). The variable location data that must be given depend on the output variable identifier key specified. (Refer to aStudy.gather() for a description of the location data.) Enough variable location data must be given to define a unique result record. Input File Usage aStudy.gather (request=, results=, step=, frameValue= | inc= | mode=, variable=, additional location data) Reporting resultsUse the scripting command (see to report results gathered from the results files of the parametric study. Use the PRINT, FILE, or XYPLOT options to specify the kind of report to be produced:
Each row in a table represents a design in the parametric study. A column in a table can represent values of a parameter, values of a gathered result, or design names. One or more parameters can be specified in the report command. If no parameters are specified, the default is that all parameters in the parametric study are included in the table. The column corresponding to each parameter shows the value of that parameter in each of the designs included in the table. A design set name can be specified to restrict the rows in the table to designs that are part of the set (refer to the combine command described earlier). If a design set is not specified, the default is that all designs are included in the table. Use variations=ON to specify that the first column in a table must show the design names. If variations=ON is not specified or variations=OFF is included, the column of design names is not included in the table. The names of the results to be reported must be specified as a sequence; for example, the Mises stress of element 33, the S22 stress of element 52, and the U3 displacement of node 10 are gathered in the following three separate commands: myStudy.gather(results='e33_sinv', variable='SINV', element=33) myStudy.gather(results='e52_s', variable='S', element=52) myStudy.gather(results='n10_u', variable='U', node=10) These results can be printed in a single table using the following report command:, results=('e33_sinv.1', 'e52_s.2', 'n10_u.3')) This example shows not only how gathered results of different types (element, nodal, etc.) can be collected in a single table but also how to refer to components of results records (the Mises stress is the first component of SINV, S22 is the second component of S, and U3 is the third component of U—refer to Results file or the Abaqus Scripting User's Guide for a description of how the results are stored in the results file and the output database, respectively). When either the FILE token or the XYPLOT token is used, a file name must be given to specify the file to which the results are to be written. A subsequent report command issued in the same session using the same file name will append the new results to the file. However, a subsequent report command issued in a different session using the same file name overwrites the existing file. Input File Usage (token, results=, par=, designSet=, variations=, file=) Execution of parametric studiesTo carry out a parametric study, you must prepare a parametrized input file (inputFile.inp). This input file is the template used for the generation of the parametric variations of the study and must contain the parameter definitions necessary to use parameters in place of input quantities. The parameters must be defined in the template file; they cannot be defined in any include files that are referred to by the template file. In addition, you must prepare a Python scripting file, scriptFile.psf, containing instructions that script the actions of the parametric study. Typically, you prepare the Python scripting file using an editor and then invoke execution of this file using the Abaqus execution command abaqusscript=scriptFile. This command starts the Python interpreter and executes the instructions in the scripting file. Alternatively, you simply start the Python interpreter, without giving a scripting file, with the Abaqus execution command abaqusscript. In this case the Python interpreter remains active, and you can execute additional commands interactively or execute additional commands contained in a file (for example, fileName) using the Python command execfile('fileName'). The Python interpreter can be terminated using Ctrld on a Linux machine or Ctrlz on a Windows machine. It is normally preferable to execute a previously prepared scripting file because it is likely that you will want to develop the script iteratively; in this case you simply have to go back and edit the scripting file and re-execute it until satisfied with the result. You can monitor the progress of the parametric variation analyses using normal operating system commands. Execution in more than one sessionYou may want to gather and report results multiple times, after the parametric variations of the study have been executed. It is possible to define, generate, and execute a parametric study in one session and gather and report results in a separate session. Only the command used to create the parametric study needs to be reissued when you start a new session. Visualization of parametric study resultsThe results of the analysis of a particular parametric study variation can be visualized like any other results of a single analysis. Visualization of results gathered across designs of a parametric study requires gathering of results. For visualization the results must be reported in ASCII files (using the XYPLOT option in the gather command), which can be read by the Visualization module in Abaqus/CAE to produce X–Y plots of results versus parameter values or design names. Scripting commandsParametric studies are scripted in files with the .psf extension using the Python language (Lutz, 1996). A parametric study object, constructed from the ParStudy class, is provided whose methods make scripting of parametric studies straightforward; these methods are described in this chapter. Syntax of scripting commandsScripting commands generally have the following form: aStudy.method (token, data) aStudy is the parametric study object to which the method applies; this object is constructed using the parametric study constructor command. method is the method to be used; for example, define, sample, or execute. Most (but not all) commands have a token that selects an option of the command; for example, aStudy.define (CONTINUOUS, par= ) indicates that one or more continuous parameters are being defined in a parametric study. Tokens are always given in capital letters and are mutually exclusive. For most (but not all) commands additional data must be specified. Python language rulesThe parametric study scripts contained in scripting files must follow the syntax and semantics of the Python language. Some important aspects of this language are described here (more general Python language rules are discussed in Parametric Modeling). CommentsComments must be preceded by the # symbol. The comment is understood to continue to the end of the line. For example, # # This parametric study ... # studyTempEffects.generate(template='shell') #use shell input file Case sensitivityAll variable and method names, tokens, and character string literals are case sensitive across all operating systems. For example, study.execute( ) # is valid study.Execute( ) # is not valid because of the capital E study.sample(NUMBER, ...) # uses the valid token NUMBER study.sample(number, ...) # lower case token is not valid study.generate(template='aFile') # 'aFile' is different study.generate(template='afile') # from 'afile' Character stringsCharacter strings are indicated by using paired single (' ') or double (” ”) quotation marks. Backward single quotation marks (` `) cannot be used for this purpose. For example, "double quoted string" 'single quoted string' PrintingThe Python print command can be used to obtain a printed representation of any Python object. For example, print 'MY TEXT' will print MY TEXT on the standard output device. Lists and tuplesThe scripting methods for parametric studies accept integer, real, and character string types. These primitive types can, in many cases, optionally be contained within tuple or list structures. Although there are some differences between lists and tuples in Python, they can be used interchangeably in the parametric study scripting commands; they simply represent ordered sequences of items. Items in lists or tuples must be separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses or brackets. For example, aStudy.define(CONTINUOUS, par=('xCoord',))# tuple contains a # single string item aStudy.define(CONTINUOUS, par=['xCoord']) # list contains a # single string item aStudy.define(CONTINUOUS, par=('xCoord', 'yCoord')) # tuple aStudy.define(CONTINUOUS, par=['xCoord', 'yCoord']) # list IndentationPython uses indentation to group blocks of statements. Therefore, a Python statement should begin in the same column as the preceding statement except where grouping of statements is required by Python. Accessing the data of a parametric studyIn some cases it is desirable to have direct programmatic access to the data of a parametric study. Therefore, all of the important data of the study are stored in repositories that can be accessed as data members of the parametric study object. The repositories have a similar interface and similar behavior to that of Python dictionaries. Repository data are stored as key, value pairs; and methods are provided for accessing the repository keys and values. The syntax aValue = aRepository[aKey] is used to retrieve the value associated with a repository key. A list of the keys of the repository is obtained using the keys() method of the repository; for example, allKeys = aRepository.keys(). Similarly, a list of the values of the repository is obtained using the values() method of the repository; for example, allValues = aRepository.values(). The following parametric study script shows an example of how the parameter repository of a parametric study can be accessed and how a list of the parameter names and a list of the sample values for the parameter t1 can be obtained: studyTempEffect = ParStudy(par=('t1', 't2')) studyTempEffect.define(CONTINUOUS, par=('t1', 't2')) studyTempEffect.sample(VALUES, par='t1', values=(200.,300.,400.)) studyTempEffect.sample(VALUES, par='t2', values=(250.,350.,450.)) parRepository = studyTempEffect.parameter listOfParameters = parRepository.keys() t1Sample = parRepository['t1'].sample The script results in the following assignments: listOfParameters = ['t1', 't2'] and t1Sample = [200.0, 300.0, 400.0]. The Python print command can be used to obtain information on the contents of a repository. Parametric study repositoriesA parametric study has the following repositories and objects as data members: