The goal of the adaptive remeshing process is to approach or reach targets on selected error indicators for a specified model and its accompanying load history. See About adaptivity techniques for a comparison of this process to other Abaqus adaptivity methods. OverviewThe following steps are required to incorporate adaptive remeshing into your Abaqus/CAE model:
Based on these remeshing rules and your adaptivity process definition, Abaqus/CAE iteratively:
These iterations continue until either:
See When will my mesh adaptivity stop iterating? for more details. Figure 1 shows the interaction of Abaqus products and files in this process. Figure 1. User actions and automated
actions in the adaptive remeshing process.
![]() Typical applicationsAdaptive remeshing can improve the quality of your simulation results. Adaptive remeshing can be helpful when:
An example of using adaptive remeshing to study the thermal and stress behavior of a bolted vessel is provided in Thermal-stress analysis of a reactor pressure vessel bolted closure. The example includes a Python script that you can run from Abaqus/CAE to create the model and the remeshing rules. A second script allows you to submit the adaptivity process and to view the changing mesh as Abaqus/CAE computes new element sizes. Example: stress riserFigure 2 shows how adaptive remeshing generates a high-quality mesh for a typical notched specimen subjected to axial loading. Figure 2. Stress riser mesh before and after refinement.
![]() Figure 3 shows the effect of these mesh changes on solution accuracy in comparison to the effect of uniform mesh refinement on solution accuracy. Adaptive mesh refinement is much more efficient than uniform mesh refinement at reducing solution error. Figure 3. Comparison of adaptive remeshing to uniform mesh refinement based on
boundary seeding.
![]() Example: plastic hingeThis example, a doubly-notched specimen axially strained until a plastic hinge or band forms, is used to demonstrate how adaptive remeshing will focus a mesh on a plastic hinge. It illustrates the value of adaptive remeshing in cases where the region of interest may not be known a priori. Figure 4 shows the specimen and the region of active yielding. Figure 5 shows the original mesh and the adapted mesh after three adaptive remeshing iterations. Figure 4. Region of active yielding in a doubly-notched specimen.
![]() Figure 5. Mesh of doubly-notched specimen before and after adaptive
![]() Preparing your model for adaptive remeshingYou use Abaqus/CAE to do the following when performing adaptive remeshing:
Creating the modelYou do not have to consider adaptive remeshing when you create the model and specify the boundary conditions and loading history; however, before using adaptive remeshing you must do the following:
Creating a remeshing ruleYou create and configure a remeshing rule using the Mesh module in Abaqus/CAE. See Creating a remeshing rule for details on defining remesh rules. Refer to Selection of error indicators influencing adaptive remeshing and Solution-based mesh sizing for details on the methods used to determine revised mesh size distributions. Abaqus/CAE Usage Mesh module: Creating an adaptivity processYou create and configure an adaptivity process using the Job module in Abaqus/CAE. When you create an adaptivity process, you can specify the maximum number of remesh iterations to be performed and set various system resource parameters. See Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs for details. Abaqus/CAE Usage Job module: Performing adaptive remeshing with a provisional analysisIn some cases you will want to determine an adequate mesh for your model prior to conducting a fully detailed analysis, which might include many steps and complex behavior. A “provisional” analysis can often be used, along with adaptive remeshing, to efficiently determine a good mesh for a model. The provisional analysis may include various simplifications of your fully detailed analyis, such as
The provisional analysis approach may result in a mesh that is not ideally suited to your ultimate choice of loading. However, the cost for obtaining a mesh from a provisional model may be significantly lower than the case where your adaptivity process considers all of the complexity in the fully detailed analysis, and you may find the refined mesh adequate for use in a variety of analysis situations. Special considerationsIn general, the Abaqus adaptive remeshing process iterates automatically toward a better quality mesh; however, you should be aware of certain considerations. SingularitiesStress singularities frequently result from geometric abstractions, such as reentrant corners and contact of a sharp edge in elastic materials, and from point loads or abruptly ended distributed load regions. In these situations the stress field near the singularity is unbounded, and no amount of mesh refinement will enable resolution of the correct solution. If you apply the adaptive remeshing process to regions of your model that include singularities, the process will drive elements near the singularity to very small sizes. The end result may be unacceptably expensive analyses. You can prevent excessively expensive analyses of models with singularities using the following techniques:
Convergence issuesFigure 6 shows a typical history of an error indicator and the computational cost, in Abaqus/Standard, versus remesh iteration. Figure 6. Error indicator and computational cost versus iteration for a model
with a 25% error indicator target.
![]() The example in Figure 6 shows a desirable convergence profile. The solution error indicator decreases monotonically and quickly to the desired 25% error indicator target. Accompanying this error indicator decrease is a moderate increase in computational cost, measured either in model degrees of freedom or time in Abaqus/Standard. Certain situations can interfere with this desirable convergence profile, as follows:
Continuing a stopped adaptive remeshing processThe adaptive remeshing process is designed to be automatic—Abaqus/CAE performs a sequence of analyses as it continues to refine your mesh. However, there are occasions where the process will stop and you will want to continue adaptive remeshing from your most recent mesh:
You can continue the adaptive remeshing process by resubmitting an existing adaptivity process, creating and submitting a new adaptivity process, or performing manual remeshing. See Manually resizing and remeshing. LimitationsAdaptive remeshing requires the use of Abaqus/CAE, and only Abaqus/Standard procedures are supported. Other specific limitations also apply. Element typesAbaqus/CAE can perform adaptive remeshing only with elements of the following shapes (see Which mesh controls can I use with adaptive remeshing?):
ProceduresAbaqus/CAE can perform remeshing with the following Abaqus/Standard procedures: |