Starting the validation run

After the model for the validation run is generated, the finite element analysis can be started.

  1. To start the solver corresponding to the input model, select SMOOTH > SMOOTH_INSTANCE > VALIDATE > VALIDATION_RUN > Update as shown in the following figure:

    The analysis results or any log files produced by the solver are not loaded into Tosca ANSA® environment; the only action that is performed is that the solver executable is started in the directory where the output model is located.

  2. Instead of using VALIDATION_RUN item, the solver can be started from command line with the same consequences.

  3. The solver executables are configured in TOSCA.defaults file located in .BETA/ANSA/version_<your ANSA version> subdirectory of your home directory.

  4. In order to set the correct executable, open this configuration file with a text editor and search for <solver name>_COMMAND entry, where <solver name> is one of Abaqus or Nastran and enter the name of the executable including its full path after "=" symbol. For the parameter ABAQUS_COMMAND, the format is as follows:

        ABAQUS_COMMAND = <executable with full path>,<product>

    where <product> is the product name (e.g. "abaqus").

    Important: No space characters are allowed in paths to the executables. If this is the case, create a shortcut pointing to the executable placed in a directory such that its path does not contain spaces, and use the shortcut in place of the executable name.