With SOLID_MESH remeshing of the volume defined by the modified surface is possible.

Before you begin:

Note: It is recommended that BATCH_RECONSTRUCT or MANUAL_RECONSTRUCT are done before SOLID_MESH (See Using BATCH_RECONSTRUCT and MANUAL_RECONSTRUCT). These actions will be performed automatically if the corresponding items are available and appear unchecked.

  1. The remeshing of the solid model defined by its surface is done selecting SOLID_MESH > Update as shown in the following figure:

    The automatic remeshing of all regions starts.

    Important: Remeshing of a solid model cannot be done if the surface contains self-intersections. The remeshing is done with tetrahedra, or, in case of mixed surface (or the surface consisting entirely of quadrilaterals), with tetrahedra and 4-sided pyramids; the order of elements matches the highest order of the surface triangles. E.g., if a triangular surface contains at least one 2nd order triangle, the entire solid model will consist of 2nd order tetrahedra.

    Warning: If the model contains both solid and shell elements, SOLID_MESH fails.

  2. A workaround is to hide the shell elements using RUN_SMOOTH > View > Show Only right before starting SOLID_MESH.

  3. When the remeshing is done, the shell elements can be shown again selecting General Buttons > All.