Starting Tosca Structure.smooth

Tosca Structure.smooth prepares the optimization results for import into a CAD system or FE-preprocessor or a remeshing for a validation run.

This task shows you how to:

Start Tosca Structure.smooth in Tosca ANSA® environment

  1. In Task Manager, select SIMULIA Tosca Structure Task > SMOOTH > SMOOTH_INSTANCE:

  2. In order to define Tosca Structure.smooth parameters, right-click the item and select Edit.

  3. Select Update to run Tosca Structure.smooth and load its results into Tosca ANSA® environment.

    When Tosca Structure.smooth is successfully finished, the produced VTFX file is opened in Tosca Structure.view when View command is applied on VTF_VISUALIZATION item under SMOOTH_INSTANCE.

    Note: You need to close Tosca Structure.view in order to proceed with Tosca ANSA® environment.

  4. In SMOOTH_INSTANCE item, select Edit.

  5. Select an entry of the drop down list in SMOOTH RUN PARAMETERS window:

    • If you choose Based on current optimization, the results are read from the job directory that is named after the parameter file name (by default, Output) created in the same directory as the input model. This is where SIMULIA Tosca Structure is started using SIMULIA Tosca Structure Task > START_OPTIMIZATION > RUN item.
    • If you choose Read jobname folder with optimization results, the Jobname folder field appears. Enter the name of the directory the optimization results are placed.

    The only requirement for Tosca Structure.smooth results to be read into Tosca ANSA® environment is that the input model is loaded. It is not necessary that the optimization with SIMULIA Tosca Structure has been actually started from within Tosca ANSA® environment. In order not to repeat the optimization, disable START_OPTIMIZATION item.

Start Tosca Structure.smooth in Tosca Structure.gui

  1. In the first way in Tosca Structure.pre editor: insert a SMOOTH block in SIMULIA Tosca Structure parameter file so that Tosca Structure.smooth is called from SIMULIA Tosca Structure automatically once the optimization ends. To define it, select Command > SMOOTH in Tosca Structure.pre screen as shown in the following figure. Multiple SMOOTH blocks are allowed in a single SIMULIA Tosca Structure parameter file.

  2. Second way: Tosca Structure.smooth can be started stand-alone from Tosca Structure.smooth screen of Tosca Structure.gui by clicking StartTosca Structure.smooth button as shown in the figure below.

    Once Tosca Structure.smooth finishes, if needed, the parameters can be modified and Tosca Structure.smooth started again. The button View Result opens a dialog for the resulting VTFX file to be opened in Tosca Structure.view.

  3. Finally, you can start Tosca Structure.smooth in command line using following command:

        tosca_smooth <parameter_file>.par

    A suitable parameter file has the format

     <parameter1> = <value1>
     <parameter2> = <value2>

    Note: In this case, the names of input ONF files should be supplied using relative or absolute paths, while Tosca ANSA® environment and Tosca Structure.gui usually fill in the correct file names automatically.