Combining Design Responses (Tosca ANSA® environment)

A linear combination of already existing design responses is a new design response.

  1. To create the linear combination, select New > COMBINED_TERM applied on OBJ_FUNC_ITEM_1 item (for the use as the objective) or New > COMBINED_ITEM applied on CONSTRAINTS item (for the use as a constraint):



  2. In the appearing window, enter the combined design responses and their weighing factors as follows:

    In the figure above, the new design response is:

    COMBINED_ITEM_1 = 0.6 DRESP_1 + 0.8 DRESP_2

  3. To open the list of all defined design responses, press "?" key in a VARIABLE_<n> field:

  4. To choose an already existing design response in the DRESP dialog, double-click its name.

    This command opens the window where a design response can be defined, e.g., as follows:

  5. To define a new design response, click Action button or right-click in the ID-field and choose New > DRESP.

    The DRESP dialog appears:

Tip: To open the window DRESP/VARIABLE that lists all available design responses , click DRESP/VARIABLEon OBJ_FUNC/CONSTRAINTS panel of Modules Buttons toolbar.