Defining mesh smooth areas

Design variables for shape optimization are defined when assigning a node group to the design area.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  • The recommended procedure is to define MESH_SMOOTH area immediately after defining the design area (see DV_SHAPE command) since the two areas are assigned to one another.
  • The MESH_SMOOTH definition must be activated by reference in the OPTIMIZE command. Non-activated definitions have no influence in the optimization. The reference in the OPTIMIZE command assigns the design area (see DV_SHAPE command) and the area for mesh smoothing (see MESH_SMOOTH command) to one another.
  • It is recommended to define MESH_SMOOTH before the DVCON_SHAPE entries or a volume constraint. This enables the system-defined MESH_SMOOTH node group to then be used for the DVCON_SHAPE definitions or the user/system-defined MESH_SMOOTH element group to be used for the definition of the volume constraint.
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In Other Guides

Define a mesh smooth area in Tosca ANSA® environment

  1. Choose DESIGN_AREA | MESH_SMOOTH in Task Manager and select Edit, if there is an already existing item.

  2. If MESH_SMOOTH item did not exist before, select New | MESH_SMOOTH on DESIGN_AREA item.

  3. In MESH_SMOOTH dialog, choose the element group for the mesh smooth area and define further settings.

Define a mesh smooth area in Tosca Structure.gui

  1. Choose Command | MESH_SMOOTH in Tosca Structure.pre screen.

  2. In MESH_SMOOTH dialog, choose the element group for the mesh smooth area and define further settings.

Define a mesh smooth area in SIMULIA Tosca Structure Parameter file

  • To define a mesh smooth area in the parameter file use the MESH_SMOOTH command.

    Each MESH_SMOOTH definition has a name (ID_NAME parameter) and references a previously defined element group (EL_GROUP parameter). The name is required in order to subsequently activate the MESH_SMOOTH definition when specifying the optimization job (see OPTIMIZE command). The area for the mesh smoothing is specified by the element group. These two declarations are mandatory.

    A typical MESH_SMOOTH command appears as follows:

     ID_NAME = mesh_smooth_name
     EL_GROUP = elem_group_name

    All other declarations are optional and are used for additional specifications in the MESH_SMOOTH definition by the user.