Starting Tosca in Tosca Structure.gui

This task shows you how to generate a report in Tosca ANSA® environment.

  1. Start Tosca with the button Generate Report as shown in the following figure.

  2. Once the generation of postprocessing files is finished, press View Report to open eventually generated VTFX files in Tosca Structure.view.

  3. In the field Jobname select the parameter file of the optimization job for which the postprocessing report is to be generated.

    The Directory of the job is shown for control reasons and is filled in automatically. The Output Name is set automatically to <jobname>_report, but can be changed by the user.

  4. Group selection allows to write the whole report restricted to one group chosen in the Select Group drop down dialog. With this option you can reduce the file size significantly and also focus the attention directly to special preselected regions of interest.

  5. The field Original Model defines if the start model including groups is added to the report. Additional parameters can be used to add command line parametersmanually and are mostly used for debug reasons.

When selecting your parameter file, all optimization results available for this job appear in the result selection table. Per default, all results will be added to the report and can be visualized as 3D animation sequences. To decrease the report file size, several results can be excluded from the report generation.

Tosca Result Names

Result Name


Generated visualization sequence

Controller Input


Controller Input from topology optimization shown as fringe plot on corresponding case

Material Distribution (normalized)


Relative material distribution from topology optimization shown as fringe plot on corresponding case

Optimization Displacements


Shape optimization displacements (i.e. deformed model) shown on all cases with scalar results as fringe plots

Controller Input


Controller input values from shape optimization shown as fringe plot on corresponding case

Opt. Displacement Values


Optimization displacement values from shape optimization shown as fringe plot on corresponding case

Optimization Displacements


Bead optimization displacements (i.e. deformed model) shown on all cases with scalar results as fringe plots

Controller Input


Controller input values from bead optimization shown as fringe plot on corresponding case

Opt. Displacement Values


Optimization displacement values from bead optimization shown as fringe plot on corresponding case

Specific settings are available for some of the results to control coloring and filtering.

Tosca Result Selection Parameters


ALL | LAST |<nr>

Iteration(s) added to report, a specific number can also be entered



Minimum and maximum value for filtering. Applies only for result = Material Distribution (normalized). No or both values have to be set.



Minimum and maximum value for fringe visualization. Applies for shape and bead controller input results. No or both values have to be set.



Adds undeformed model (in blue) to all displacement views in the vtfx file.