Defining the Displacement Optimization Task

You can define the Displacement Optimization Task to get a structure with a minimum deflection or rotation. In case that the displacement at a node with a load is to be minimized, the problem is identical to the maximization of the stiffness.

This task shows you how to:

Define the Displacement Optimization Task in Tosca ANSA® environment

  1. To define the displacement design response, select OBJ_FUNC ITEM > New > DISPLACEMENT in Task Manager:

    The OBJFUNC_TERM dialog opens.

  2. To create the individual design response for the displacement, press "?" key in the GROUP DEF field.

  3. Press New in the appeared dialog, then choose GRID.

  4. In the SET HELP dialog, choose DisplacementNODE.

    In the OBJFUNC_TERM dialog, enter the DisplacementNODE in GROUP_DEF field as shown in the following figure:

Define the Displacement Optimization Task in Tosca Structure.gui

  1. Choose Command > DRESP.

  2. Define and reference the displacement design response in OBJ_FUNC as shown in the figure below:

    The objective function is defined as the minimization problem of the defined design response.