Defining the Design Area for Topology Optimization

You can define the Design Area to denote the set of elements that may be removed during the topology optimization. In contrast you can define frozen areas that remain unchanged.

This task shows you how to:

Define the Design Area in Tosca ANSA® environment

Before you begin: There are 2 ways to define the Design Area:
  1. Use a predefined node or element group.
  2. Create a node or element group directly in the model to use as Design Area.

In this example, you define the elements for the Design Area directly in the model.


    The DV_TOPO dialog opens.

  2. In the DV_TOPO dialog, set EL_GROUP to GROUP_DEF and press "?" key in GROUP_DEF field.

    When you enter ?, the SET HELP dialog opens.

  3. In the SET HELP dialog, select > New.

    The Modifying SET: Untitled (Id:1) dialog opens.

  4. In the Modifying SET: Untitled (Id:1) dialog, select ELEMENT.

    You can now select the elements directly in the model.

  5. Press the left mouse button and enclose the whole model in a frame:

    Tip: To rotate the model, hold CTRL and use your left, right, and middle mouse buttons.

  6. Hold the right mouse button and deselect 4 parts as shown in the figure:

    It is recommended to rotate the model in plane and zoom in and out to make the selection more accurately.

  7. Click the middle mouse button to confirm the selection.

    The SET [SET] dialog opens.

  8. In the SET [SET] dialog, confirm the settings with OK.

    You return to the SET HELP dialog.

  9. Double click the name of the group you have just created.

    The dialog closes. You have defined the Design Area.

  10. If you want to check your group selection, select PRE-PROCESSING > TOPOLOGY_OPTIMIZATION_CONTROLLER > DESIGN_AREA and activate Highlighting.

    Your group definition will be marked in color in the model.

Define the Design Area in Tosca Structure.gui

  1. Select DV_TOPO in the Tree View.

    The DV_TOPO menu appears on the right.

  2. In the EL_GROUP menu, set EL_GROUP to DESIGN_ELEMENTS.

  3. Click Create.

Define a Design Area in Tosca Extension for ANSYS® Workbench

  1. Select Topology > Design Area in the toolbar.

  2. In the Design Area dialog, select Geometry as shown in the following figure:

    The part of the geometry that is assigned will be optimized. It is also possible to assign a predefined Named Selection.