The result of topology optimization is the normalized material
distribution in the optimized model; in other words, for each element,
its "density" is found. These values are saved in a solver result file,
or, for visualization reasons, in vtfx files by the
component Tosca
Further, smoothed results can also be processed in vtfx
format. Shape and bead optimizations result in displacements of the nodes
in the design area. In this case, too, Tosca
produces vtfx files containing the model with these
displacements. Beside the optimization displacements, it is possible
to write the controller input values from controller-based shape or bead
optimization to the output file in vtfx format for visualization.
Sizing optimization modifies the shell thicknesses in the model. Tosca
produces vtfx files containing the model with the modified
shell thicknesses as well as the shell thickness changes as contourplot.
Morphing creates similar to shape optimization models with displaced
nodes. Tosca
produces vtfx files containing the model with these
displacements for each morphing step. Beside the optimization displacements,
it is possible to write the controller input values from the assigned
shape optimization task. Additionally, optimization relevant values
(scalar values of objective or constraint) and all design responses
or variables defined in the optimization job will be available in an
history plot in the vtfx report. Please note that conversion
of optimization results to solver formats is no longer available. Tosca Structure.view
remains the quickly accessible, easy-to-use method for postprocessing
of optimization results. Nevertheless, analysis and evaluation results
of the optimized model are available for postprocessing.