Processing results from shape or bead optimization

In the case of shape or bead optimization, Tosca Structure.smooth generates the surface of the model with calculated optimization displacements.

Therefore, the model file name and the optimization result file name should be specified in the parameter file, and the task should be set to surface:

    TASK = surface
    MODEL = <model file name>.onf
    RESULT = <optimization result file name>.onf

In Tosca ANSA® environment, it suffices to choose TASK = SURFACE (note that by default TASK = ISO) and the file names will be inserted automatically.

In Tosca Structure.gui (Tosca Structure.smooth screen), use Create Surface + Optimization displacements (Shape and Bead optimization) value of Task field and choose appropriate model and optimization result files.

Additionally, there is the possibility to generate the surface of the input model, without applying the optimization displacements. This works for the models used in topology optimization as well. In this case, RESULT field should be omitted in the parameter file; in Tosca ANSA® environment as well as in Tosca Structure.pre screen of Tosca Structure.gui, this is the case for the topology optimization, while for shape and bead optimization the surface with optimization displacements is always generated. In Tosca Structure.smooth screen of Tosca Structure.gui, choose Create Surface Model from ONF File as the value of Task field.

After the surface is generated, the data reduction can be performed; it is turned off by default. Both data reduction and the output in various formats are done in the same way as when processing the topology optimization results.