All design responses always consist of one single scalar value. So although you reference a node or element group in the DRESP definition, SIMULIA Tosca Structure will use a group operator (GROUP_OPER) to either use the maximal (MAX), minimal (MIN) or sum of the values (SUM) to combine the responses to a single value. Although SIMULIA Tosca Structure can handle more load cases within one design response, it is best practice to use one design response for each load case. This is done with the item LC_SET: LC_SET = <analysis_type>,<loadcase_nr>,<substep> If more load cases or sub-steps are referenced in the LC_SET item the maximum (MAX) or minimum (MIN) value will be used within the design response, depending on the setting of load case selection (LC_SEL). If LC_SEL is not set explicitly, a default value is used according to the type of the design response. Using Tosca Structure.gui LC_SEL no longer needs to be defined manually. Again, this is done to obtain exactly one single value. Command in parameter file: DRESP ID_NAME = ..... DEF_TYPE = ..... TYPE = ..... VAR_OPER = ..... UPDATE = ..... GROUP_OPER = ..... EL_GROUP = ..... ND_GROUP = ..... ELEM = ..... NODE = ..... LC_SET = ..... LC_SEL = ..... END_ Most entities have default values. |