About Load Case Specification (LC_SET)

If more than one load case or sub-step exists, the user may wish to choose the load case that is to be taken into consideration. Also, for modal analysis where more than one eigenfrequency is calculated, a selection of the eigenfrequencies of interest is necessary.

The specification of a load case/sub-step or a mode is done using the definition of the related analysis type, the load case number and the sub-step (if applicable).

Analysis Type

For the analysis the following types are supported:

  • STATIC: linear static
  • MODAL: modal analysis
  • NONLINEAR: nonlinear statics
  • FREQUENCY: frequency response

As an alternative definition all present analysis types can be selected with ALL.

Load Case

The selection of a load case is performed with the selection of the number of the load case. If the CAE solver does not support the numbering of load cases, the optimization environment starts with number 1 for the first load case and then the following load cases are assigned the numbers in increasing order.

As an alternative definition, all present load cases can be selected with ALL.

Nevertheless, for better control it is recommended to define single design responses for each load case and combine them later, e.g., in the objective function definition.


The selection of a sub-step is performed with the selection of the number of the sub-step. If the solver does not support numbers for sub-steps, the optimization environment starts with number 1 for the first sub-step, and then the following sub-steps are assigned the numbers in increasing order.

As an alternative definition, all present sub-steps can be selected with ALL.