Volume constraintIn order to select volume as the design response, the volume must be requested with TYPE=VOLUME. The individual element volumes of the element group (EL_GROUP parameter) are then added together by the summation parameter (GROUP_OPER=SUM parameter) to achieve the total volume. The volume is a variable independent of the load cases. The design response is labeled with a unique name (ID_NAME parameter) so it can be referenced as a constraint. A typical definition of a design response appears as follows: DRESP ID_NAME = dresp_volume DEF_TYPE = SYSTEM EL_GROUP = all_elements TYPE = VOLUME GROUP_OPER = SUM UPDATE = EVER END_ Once the volume of an element area has been defined as the design response, the design response must be defined as a constraint using the CONSTRAINT parameter. The value of the equality constraint (EQ_VALUE parameter) is also declared. In addition, the parameter EQ_VALUE is declared as absolute value (MAGNITUDE=ABS) or relative value (MAGNITUDE=REL) in relation to the initial volume. The constraint is labeled with a unique name (ID_NAME parameter) so it can be referenced in an optimization job (see OPTIMIZE command). A typical definition of a constraint appears as follows: CONSTRAINT ID_NAME = volume_constraint DRESP = dresp_volume MAGNITUDE = REL EQ_VALUE = 1 END_ Example: The total volume of a element group in the start model is 2000. For the optimized model a total volume of 1800 is requested for the element group. Using absolute values, MAGNITUDE=ABS, EQ_VALUE=1800 must be declared. Using relative values, MAGNITUDE=REL, EQ_VALUE=0.9 must be declared. Note:
Weight constraintWeight constraints are defined in exactly the same way as volume constraints. Using this design response a physical target weight can be set explicitly. This is in particular useful when different materials are present in the model. The corresponding design response is defined as follows: DRESP ID_NAME = dresp_volume DEF_TYPE = SYSTEM EL_GROUP = all_elements TYPE = WEIGHT GROUP_OPER = SUM UPDATE = EVER END_ Once the volume of an element area has been defined, the design response must be referenced in the CONSTRAINT definition. |