Displacement check against solids (CHECK_SOLID)

This section gives information on the CHECK_SOLID design variable constraint.

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It is possible to define geometric primitives (solids) as a restriction of the node displacements. Geometric primitives are defined using the SOLID parameter. The SOLID parameter allows for the definition of circles, circle segments, ring segments and rectangles in two-dimensional models and cylinders, cylinder segments, tubes, cubes, cube segments in three-dimensional models. There is a differentiation between a variation solid and a restriction solid (variation area or restriction area).

The parameter:

CHECK_SOLID = solid_name

specifies a solid whose borders may not be penetrated. The solid must be defined with a SOLID command before being referenced.

  1. Up to six different CHECK_SOLID parameters can be defined in every DVCON_BEAD command. They are executed in the order of their declaration within the DVCON_BEAD command.
  2. If the solid is a variation solid, all nodes of the node group in the start model (see ND_GROUP parameter) must be located inside the variation solid. If nodes are located outside the variation solid, the DVCON_BEAD definition will be rejected. If the solid is a restriction solid, all nodes of the node group in the start model must be located outside the restriction solid. If nodes are located inside the restriction solid, the DVCON_BEAD definition will be rejected.