It is possible to specify a maximum allowable absolute displacement for each node in relation to the starting geometry. The parameters CHECK_GROW = <max_grow_value> CHECK_SHRINK = <max_SHRINK_value> specifies a maximum absolute displacement <max_grow_value> allowed in the growth direction and <max_shrink_value> in the opposite direction.
In controller-based bead optimization the maximum displacement amount of the design nodes is restricted in the constraint of the optimization task (see DRESP type "BEAD_HEIGHT" and CONSTRAINT). The definition of an additional restriction by the DVCON_BEAD command allows for the definition of additional restrictions on specified design nodes.
The easiest way to constrain all design nodes is to use: DVCON_BEAD ID_NAME = MY_DVCON_BEAD ND_GROUP = DESIGN_NODES CHECK_GROW = 10.0 CHECK_SHRINK = 0.0 END_ The command above is equivalent to define the following BEAD_HEIGHT constraint in the controller-based algorithm. CONSTRAINT ID_NAME = MY_BEAD_HEIGHT_CONSTRAINT DRESP = BEAD_HEIGHT_DRESP EQ_VALUE = 10.0 MAGNITUDE = ABS END_ Realization in Tosca ANSA® environment
Realization in Tosca Structure.gui