The bound is defined as follows: By default, the lower bound is set to 0.001 and the upper bound is set to 1 in order to avoid the global stiffness matrix to become singular. You can change these bounds using the commands DENSITY_LOWER and DENSITY_UPPER, respectively. An example is: OPT_PARAM ID_NAME = opt_params OPTIMIZE = id_of_optimize DENSITY_LOWER = 0.01 DENSITY_UPPER = 1.00 EnD_
Furthermore, in the sensitivity-based topology optimization, the maximal relative material volume change in one iteration is defined: The reason for the change limit is that the sensitivity-based optimization algorithm approximates the design responses around the actual design response values using the sensitivities. These approximations are only valid in a small range of design variables, thus the variation of the relative material values should be limited. Numerical experiments indicate that a value of 0.25 for the change limit is usually acceptable. However, one can set the limit to, e.g., 0.4 using the parameter DENSITY_MOVE: OPT_PARAM ID_NAME = opt_params OPTIMIZE = id_of_optimize DENSITY_MOVE = 0.4 END_ The default value of DENSITY_MOVE is 0.25. A low change limit (such as 0.1) is recommended for complicated design responses and optimization formulations. However, a lower change limit most often leads to a higher number of optimization iterations. |