Define a cluster group as follows: DVCON_TOPO ID_NAME = DVCON_CLUSTER EL_GROUP = CLUSTER_1 EL_GROUP = CLUSTER_2 EL_GROUP = CLUSTER_3 EL_GROUP = CLUSTER_4 ...... ...... EL_GROUP = CLUSTER_143 EL_GROUP = CLUSTER_144 CHECK_TYPE = CLUSTER END_ Note: Elements within one refered element group will have the same values for pseudo densities. But two different element groups will have different values for pseudo densities. Reference theDVCON_TOPO ID name in the OPTIMIZE command in order to activate this restriction: OPTIMIZE ID_NAME = ... ....... DVCON = DVCON_CLUSTER ....... END_ To give an example the following model is considered:
To obtain an extrudable profile as the optimization result cluster groups are utilized:
The corresponding optimized structures are shown in the following figures: