Postprocessing the Picker Model (Tosca Structure.gui)

Postprocess your result regarding the material distribution during the optimization progress. Create an isosurface of the optimization result for further processing in the design process.

  1. To automatically convert the topology optimization result into report files, use Tosca

  2. To view the result, you have 2 options:

    1. If you want to have a quick view of the result, use Tosca Structure.view and visualize the Material Distribution result type.

      Filter(min) value defines the limit for the soft elements (i.e. elements with a relative material value lower than Filter(min)are not shown).

    2. In Tosca, select View Report to visualize the VTFX file with the optimization result.

  3. To further process the result, you have 2 options:

    1. Define a smooth command int the parameter file and start a new optimization run.
    2. Start the smooth run in the corresponding window in Tosca Structure.gui (VTFX output required) :

    The result of the non smoothed final result (material distribution of last iteration) and the smoothed looks as follows: