= <X_COMP>, <Y_COMP>, <Z_COMP> |
Pull direction for the element groups in the form of a vector with reference to CS_0. |
= <draft_angle> = 0° |
Removal angle, 0°<= ANGLE < 20°. |
= <name_of_element_group> = ALL_ELEMENTS |
Name of the element group which is used for the collision check of the removed elements. |
= NONE |
No definition of a central plane, i.e. the elements are only deformed in the direction of PULL_DIR. |
= AUTO |
Automatic determination of the central plane. Using the central plane as the starting point. The elements are removed either in the direction of the deformation or in the opposite direction. |
No holes are generated in the central plane. |
A point within the central plane from which the deformation vector is positioned perpendicular to. |
The elements are demolded at the actual surface of the DVCON group. |
The element group is demolded keeping a stampable structure. |
= <name_of_coordinate_system> = CS_0 |
Coordinate system for the definition of the pull direction. If a cylindrical coordinate system is referenced, the casting restrictions are performed in cylindrical coordinates. The command PULL_CS also defines the local coordinate system for the definition of the mid-plane point when MID_PLANE = POINT, x,y,z is used to define a demold control. |
= <radius> |
Radius value: should be about 50% of the average edge length of the element, if specified. (This value is used internally for the collision check during the removal of the elements). In Combination with MIDPLANE=AUTO_TIGHT the thickness of the midplane is defined by 2*RADIUS. |
= YES |
Element groups for the demolded elements are automatically generated. |
= NO |
No element groups are generated. |
= NO = YES |
Additional material based filtering after the optimization for stricter avoidance of undercuts. |
= NO = YES |
Alternative approach for demold constraints by parameterization of the design variables. Especially, for 2D models the optional setting is beneficial.