*HEADING Test import capability with FeFp: Explicit to Standard Element: CPS4R + orientation Material: marlow + plasticity + mullins Results imported from: xs_x_fefp2d_biori.inp ** *IMPORT,STEP=1,int=5,UPDATE=no,STATE=YES solid ** *amplitude,name=nominal_strain 0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 1.0, 0.75,0.05 **------------------------ *step,nlgeom=yes *static 1.e-12,1.e-12 *BOUNDARY x0,1 y0,2 *boundary, type=velocity x1,1,1,0.0 y1,2,2,0.0 *end step **------------------------ *STEP,nlgeom=yes *static 0.05,1., ,0.05 *BOUNDARY x0,1 y0,2 *boundary, amplitude=nominal_strain x1,1,1,0.4 y1,2,2,0.2 *output,field *node output u RF *element output S PEEQ E *output,history,freq=1 *element output,elset=solid s11, s22, LE11 *END STEP