*HEADING SKEW SENSITIVITY OF SHELLS: MESH , , DEG ** INPUT FILE FOR 3 PARAMETER STUDY *RESTART,TIMEMARKS=YES,WRITE,NUMBER INTERVAL=1 *PREPRINT,PARVAL=YES,PARSUBS=YES ** level=1. is 4X4 mesh ** level=2. is 8X8 mesh ** inc1=node increment in first element generation direction ** inc2=node increment in second element generation direction ** ne=number of elements generated in each direction ** time=time of analysis ** inter=time interval for history output *PARAMETER # basic discretization level level = 1. *PARAMETER DEPENDENCE, TABLE=mesh, NUMBER VALUES=6 2,200,4,10.,.01,1. 1,100,8,20.,.02,2. *PARAMETER,TABLE=mesh,DEPENDENT=(rinc1,rinc2,rne,time,inter), INDEPENDENT=(level) *PARAMETER # convert node increments to integer inc1 = int(rinc1) inc2 = int(rinc2) ne = int(rne) en2 = 1 + inc1 en3 = 1 + inc1 + inc2 en4 = en3 - inc1 *PARAMETER # basic element type elemType = 'S4R' # basic skew angle delta = 90. # convert angle delta to radians pi = 3.1415 deltaRad = delta*pi/180. # corner node coordinates based on skew angle x801 = cos(deltaRad) y801 = sin(deltaRad) x809 = cos(deltaRad)+1. y809 = sin(deltaRad) *NODE, NSET=CORNERS 1, 0., 0. 9, 1., 0. ** parametrized corner coordinates 801, , 809, , *NGEN,NSET=BOT 1,9,1 *NGEN,NSET=TOP 801,809,1 *NFILL BOT,TOP,8,100 *NSET,NSET=SIDES,GEN 1,9,1 801,809,1 1,801,100 9,809,100 *NSET,NSET=CENTND 405, *ELEMENT, TYPE= 1, 1, , , *ELGEN,ELSET=ALLELS 1,,,1,,,100 *MATERIAL ,NAME=METAL *ELASTIC 3.E7, .3 *DENSITY 3.0E3, *SHELL SECTION,MATERIAL=METAL,ELSET=ALLELS,SECTION INTEGRATION=GAUSS .01, *BOUNDARY SIDES,1,3 *NSET,NSET=QA_TEST_CENTND CENTND, ** *STEP *DYNAMIC, EXPLICIT ,