*heading cpe4 element under uniaxial tension INITIAL CONDITIONS AND ORIENTATION OF PEEQ AND ALPHA VERIFIED *preprint,model=yes *node, nset=nall 1, 2,1 3,1,1 4,0,1 *node 5,0,1 *element,type=cpe4,elset=block 1,1,2,3,4 *Distribution Table, name=distTableElastic modulus, ratio *Distribution, name=distElastic, table=distTableElastic, location=element , 100.E3, 0.2 block, 200.E3, 0. *solid section, elset=block, material=steel,orientation=rotate 1, *mpc tie,5,4 *material, name=steel *elastic distElastic, *plastic, hardening=combined, data type=parameters 200., 2.222e4, 34.65, 0., 0., *cyclic hardening, parameters 200., 2000., 0.25, 0., 0., *orientation,definition=coordinates,name=rotate 0.,-1.,0,1,0,0 *boundary 1,1,2 4,1,1 *rest,w *initial conditions, type=hardening 1,1.e-2,,300. **step 1 tension*** *step,inc=20 *static, direct 1., 20. *boundary 2,1,1,0.04 3,1,1,0.04 *el print s, sinv, e, ep, ee, eep, pe, pep, alpha, pener, *node print u,rf *el file,freq=10 s, sinv, e, ep, ee, eep, pe, pep, alpha, *end step