*HEADING Mohr-Coulomb, plane strain tension/compression, simple shear Material 1: hadening on MC and softening on TC Elements tested CPE4R *NODE,NSET=ALLN 1, 2., 0. 2, 3., 0. 3, 3., 1. 4, 2., 1. *node,nset=n_ss 21, 0., 0. 22, 1., 0. 23, 1., 1. 24, 0., 1. *nset,nset=nx0 1,4 *nset,nset=ny0 1,2 *nset,nset=ny1 3,4 *nset,nset=ny0_ss 21,22 *nset,nset=ny1_ss 23,24 *ELEMENT,TYPE=Cpe4r,ELSET=e11 1, 1,2,3,4 *ELEMENT,TYPE=Cpe4r,ELSET=e31 21, 21,22,23,24 *elset,elset=e1 e11,e31 *else,elset=alle e1 *SOLID SECTION,ELSET=e1,MATERIAL=m1 ** *parameter sigt = 1000 sigs = 0.1*sigt sigc = sqrt(3)*sigt/2 sigh = 2.0*sigc ** ** M1: hardening MC, softening TC ** *MATERIAL,NAME=m1 *DENSITY 1.0E-3 *ELASTIC 300.E3,.3 *MOHR COULOMB, DEPENDENCIES=1 30.,20., ,1.0 25.,18., ,2.0 *MOHR COULOMB HARDENING , 0. , 1.0 *TENSION CUTOFF , 0. , 1.0 ** *INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=FIELD, VARIABLE=1 ALLN, 1.0 n_ss, 1.0 *BOUNDARY n_ss,2,2 ny0_ss,1,1 nx0,1,1 ny0,2,2 *STEP,nlgeom=yes ** Load in compression ** Elements should yield on MC *DYNAMIC,EXPLICIT ,1. *BOUNDARY,TYPE=VELOCITY ny1,2,2,-0.1 ny1_ss,1,1,0.1 *output,field *element output,elset=alle peeqt *node output u *output,history,variable=preselect *element output,elset=alle peeq,peeqt,pener *END STEP *STEP ** Load in the opposite direction *DYNAMIC,EXPLICIT ,2.0 *BOUNDARY,TYPE=VELOCITY ny1,2,2,0.1 ny1_ss,1,1,-0.1 *END STEP