Record written once per eigenvalue in natural frequency extraction

This section describes the format of the individual records in the Abaqus results file.

Record format: record written once per eigenvalue in natural frequency extraction

Any nodal or element data after this record refer to the eigenvector, until a new record key 1980 or a record key 2001 is encountered. Eigenvalue output for substructures (see Writing the recovery matrix, reduced stiffness matrix, mass matrix, load case vectors, and gravity vectors to a file) also uses these records to divide up elemental and nodal results. This record is written if there are any results file output requests for an eigenvalue buckling prediction or eigenfrequency extraction step. The generalized mass, etc. are not written for an eigenvalue buckling prediction step. This record is not written for a complex eigenfrequency extraction step.

1980 Modal
  1. Eigenvalue number.
  2. Eigenvalue.
  3. Generalized mass.
  4. Composite damping.
  5. Participation factor for degree of freedom 1.
  6. Effective mass for degree of freedom 1.
  7. Participation factor for degree of freedom 2.
  8. Effective mass for degree of freedom 2.
  9. Etc.