The OdbNumericalProblemSummary object has the following members:
- convergedNegativeEigenValues
A boolean specifying whether negative eigenvalues converged during the analysis. This attribute is read-only.
- convergedNumericalSingularities
A boolean specifying whether numerical singularities converged during the analysis. This attribute is read-only.
- convergedZeroPivots
A boolean specifying whether pivot points converged during the analysis. This attribute is read-only.
- numberOfZeroPivots
An int specifying the number of zero pivots. This attribute is read-only.
- numberOfNumericalSingularities
An int specifying the number of numerical singularities. This attribute is read-only.
- numberOfNegativeEigenValues
An int specifying the number of negative eigenvalues. This attribute is read-only.