The OdbAnalysisError object has the following members:
- incrementNumber
An int specifying the increment number where the analysis was aborted. This attribute is read-only.
- iterationNumber
An int specifying the iteration number where the analysis was aborted. This attribute is read-only.
- attemptNumber
An int specifying the attempt number on which the analysis was aborted. This attribute is read-only.
- category
String specifying the category of error. This attribute is read-only.
- data
An OdbAuxiliaryData object.
- description
String specifying the cause of the error. This attribute is read-only.
- detailStrings
String specifying the exact nature of the problem. This attribute is read-only.
- knowledgeItem
String specifying the exact reason for the error encountered. This attribute is read-only.
- numberOfVariations
An int specifying the number of variations. This attribute is read-only.
- stepNumber
An int specifying the step number on which the error was encountered. This attribute is read-only.