Accessimport job
This method kills the analysis of a co-execution. ArgumentsNone. Return valueNone. ExceptionsNone. submit(...)
This method submits a co-execution for analysis. Required argumentsNone. Optional arguments
Return valueNone. ExceptionsNone. writeInput(...)
This method writes an input file for each analysis in the co-execution. Required argumentsNone. Optional arguments
Return valueNone. ExceptionsNone. waitForCompletion()
This method interrupts the execution of the script until the end of all the analyses. If you call the waitForCompletion method and the status member is neither SUBMITTED nor RUNNING, Abaqus assumes the analysis has either completed or aborted and returns immediately. ArgumentsNone. Return valueNone. ExceptionsNone. MembersThe Coexecution object can have the following members: