- id
The job identifier specified as the value of the job option on the command line.
- savedir
The path name to the directory from which the job was submitted.
- scrdir
The path name to the scratch directory.
- analysisType
The type of analysis to be executed. Possible values are EXPLICIT and STANDARD.
In addition, for an MPI-based parallel job the following variables are available in an onJobStartup or onJobCompletion function:
- host_list
List of host machine names that were used for the analysis, including the number of processors used on each machine. The format is identical to the mp_host_list environment variable (see Parallelization parameters).
- local_host
List of identifiers used to determine the host machine name from which the job was submitted (e.g., host name, IP address, aliases, etc.).
- rsh_command
Command used to open a remote shell on the machines that were used during analysis. The format is identical to the mp_rsh_command environment variable (see Parallelization parameters).
- file_system
Tuple showing the type of file system used for the MPI-based parallel job. The first item in the tuple refers to the directory where the job was submitted, while the second refers to the job's scratch directory. For MPI-based parallel Abaqus/Explicit analyses that do not use a user subroutine, the scratch directory will remain as DETECT unless it was set by the user.
- cpus
Number of total processors used for the analysis summed across all host machines.
The following variables are available outside of the onJobStartup and onJobCompletion functions:
- abaqus_version
A string that contains the Abaqus release.
- analysisType
The type of analysis to be executed. Possible values are EXPLICIT and STANDARD.
- applicationName
The name of the Abaqus execution procedure to be executed; e.g., analysis, cae, or viewer.