Create a set (if necessary)
In the
Model Tree,
expand the Assembly container and double-click the
Sets item.
The Create Set dialog box appears.
Name the set center, accept the default
selection of Geometry, and click
For meshed parts you can define sets that are based on either the
geometry or the mesh. If you modify the mesh, you must redefine a mesh-based
set. However, a geometry-based set will update automatically. For unmeshed
parts only geometry-based sets are available.
In the viewport, select the point at the center of the bottom edge of
the truss. In the prompt area, click Done when you are
Add displacements to the history output request
In the
Model Tree,
click mouse button 3 on the History Output Requests
container and select Manager from the menu that appears.
In the History Output Requests Manager dialog box
that appears, click Edit.
The history output editor appears.
Under the Domain field, select
automatically provides a list of all the sets created for a given model. Choose
the set named center.
Under the Frequency field, select Every
n time increments and set the value of n to
1 to write the output at every increment.
In the Output Variables region, toggle off the
Energy output and click the arrow to the left of the
Displacement/Velocity/Acceleration category to reveal
history output options for translations and rotations.
Toggle on UT, Translations to have the
displacements for the selected set be written as history output to the output
database file.
Click OK to save your changes and to close the
dialog box. Dismiss the History Output Requests Manager.