- Model attributes
To perform a restart analysis, the model's attributes must be changed to indicate that the model should reuse data from a previous analysis. In the Model Tree, double-click the Restart model underneath the Models container. In the Edit Model Attributes dialog box that appears, specify that restart data will be read from the job Pipe and that the restart location will be the end of step Pull I.
- Step definitions
You will now create two new analysis steps. The first new step is a general static step; name the step Pull II, and insert it immediately after the step Frequency I. Give the step the following description: Apply axial tensile load of 8.0 MN; and set the time period for the step to 1.0 and the initial time increment to 0.1.
The second new step is a frequency extraction step; name the step Frequency II, and insert it immediately after the step Pull II. Give the step the following description: Extract modes and frequencies; and use the Lanczos eigensolver to extract the first 8 natural modes and frequencies of the pipe.
- Output requests
For the step Pull II, write data to the restart file every 10 increments.
Accept all other default output data requests.
- Load definition
Modify the load definition so that the tensile load that is applied to the pipe is doubled in the second general static step (Pull II). To do this, expand the Force item underneath the Loads container in the Model Tree. In the list that appears, expand the States item. Double-click the step named Pull II, and change the value of the applied force to 8.0E+06 in this step.
- Job definition
Create a job named PipeRestart with the following description: Restart analysis of a 5 meter long pipe under tensile load. Set the job type to Restart if it is not already. (If the job type is not set to Restart, Abaqus/CAE ignores the model's restart attributes.)
Save your model in a model database file, and submit the job for analysis. Monitor the solution progress; correct any modeling errors and investigate the source of any warning messages, taking corrective action as necessary.