Customized applications must show the standard copyright information displayed by Abaqus/CAE or Abaqus/Viewer. In addition, you can customize the copyright information at the top of the About Abaqus dialog box using the following methods:
For example: from abaqusGui import *
from sessionGui import HelpToolsetGui
from myIcons import *
class MyMainWindow(AFXMainWindow):
def _init_(self, app, windowTitle='')
# Add custom copyright info to the About Abaqus dialog.
helpToolset = HelpToolsetGui()
product = getAFXApp().getProductName()
major, minor, update = getAFXApp().getVersionNumbers()
prerelease = getAFXApp().getPrerelease()
if prerelease:
release = '%s %s.%s-PRE%s' % (
product, major, minor, update)
release = '%s %s.%s-%s' % (
product, major, minor, update)
info = 'Copyright 2003\nMy Company'
helpToolset.setCustomCopyrightStrings(release, info)
icon = FXXPMIcon(app, myIconData)
self.registerHelpToolset(helpToolset, GUI_IN_MENUBAR)
An alternative way to provide help in your application is to use special methods that allow you to post a URL in a web browser. For example: from uti import webBrowser status = webBrowser.displayURL('') status = webBrowser.openWithURL( 'file://D:/users/someUser/someFile.html') You can use any valid URL syntax, such as “http” or “file.” displayURL will display the URL in a currently open browser window (if there are none, it will open a new window). openWithURL will always open a new browser window. No exceptions are thrown, but you can check the return status of these methods for success. |