Using the Abaqus PDE with plug-ins

The functions and tools in the Abaqus PDE work the same way for plug-ins as they do for other scripts. However, since plug-ins are launched within Abaqus/CAE, you cannot load and run them as a main file like you can with other scripts. Instead, you add breakpoints, then run the plug-ins as usual.


If the plug-in contains both kernel and GUI functions, you must trace them separately. Tracing the kernel and GUI functions separately prevents problems that can occur in Abaqus/CAE as the Abaqus PDE attempts to switch between kernel and GUI modes while the code is running. Separating the functions also provides a logical approach to locating problems in the kernel code versus ones in the user interface.

After you save the changes to your plug-in, you can trace its execution.

  1. Open the file that you want to debug.

  2. Position the cursor where you want to add a breakpoint. Click mouse button 3, and select Add Breakpoint. (For more information, see Using breakpoints.)

  3. Start the plug-in from within Abaqus/CAE.

    The plug-in code appears in the Abaqus PDE window, stopped at the breakpoint or at the line immediately following the start trace statement, if you added one.

  4. Use the Abaqus PDE controls and options described in the previous sections to step through the execution of the plug-in.