- Steps
You use the Step constructor to create a results step for time, frequency, or modal domain results. For example,
odb_Step& step1 = odb.Step("s1",
"Perturbation Step", odb_Enum::TIME);
odb_Step& step2 = odb.Step("sT",
"Time domain analysis", odb_Enum::TIME, 1.0);
odb_Step& step3 = odb.Step("sF",
"Frequency analysis", odb_Enum::FREQUENCY, 123.4);
The Step constructor has an optional previousStepName argument that specifies the step after which this step must be inserted in the steps repository. For a full description of the Step command, see Step(...).
- Frames
You use the Frame constructor to create a frame for field output. For example,
odb_Frame frameOne = step2.Frame(1, 0.3, "first frame");
For a full description of the Frame command, see Frame(...).