Stress range for multiple load cases

This example illustrates how you can use the envelope operations to compute the stress range over a number of load cases. The example program does the following:

  • For each load case during a specified step, the program collects the S11 components of the stress tensor fields into a list of scalar fields.

  • Computes the maximum and minimum of the S11 stress component using the envelope calculations.

  • Computes the stress range using the maximum and minimum values of the stress component.

  • Creates a new frame in the step.

  • Writes the computed stress range into a new FieldOutput object in the new frame.

Use the following command to retrieve the example program:

abaqus fetch job=stressRange

The fetch command also retrieves an input file that you can use to generate an output database that can be read by the example program.

// Code to compute a stress range from 
// all the load cases in a step.
// The stress range is saved to a frame with the
// description "Stress Range"

// System includes
#if (defined(HP) && (! defined(HKS_HPUXI)))
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Begin Local Includes
#include <odb_API.h>
// End Local Includes

odb_FieldOutput computeStressRange( odb_Step& step );

int ABQmain(int argc, char **argv)
    if( argc < 3 ) {
        cerr << "Usage: abaqus stressRange.x odb_name"
             <<         "step_name" 
             <<         endl;
        return 1;

    odb_String odbName(argv[1]);
    odb_String stepName(argv[2]);
    cout << "Computing for odb \"" << odbName.CStr() << "\"";
    cout << " and step \"" << stepName.CStr() << "\"." << endl;

    // compute stress range and save to odb
    odb_Odb& odb = openOdb(odbName);
    odb_Step& step = odb.steps()[stepName];
    odb_FieldOutput range = computeStressRange(step);

    // Save the results in the output database. 
    odb_Frame rangeFrame = step.Frame(0, 0, "Stress Range");
    rangeFrame.FieldOutput(range, "S11 Range");;

    return 0;

computeStressRange(odb_Step& step)
    // collect stress fields for all load cases
    odb_SequenceFieldOutput sFields;
    odb_LoadCaseRepositoryIT iter(step.loadCases());
    for( iter.first(); !iter.isDone(); ) {
        odb_Frame frame = step.getFrame( iter.currentValue() );
        odb_FieldOutput& stressField = frame.fieldOutputs()["S"];

    // compute maximum and minimum envelopes
    odb_SequenceFieldOutput maxFields = maxEnvelope(sFields);
    odb_SequenceFieldOutput minFields = minEnvelope(sFields);

    // compute and return range
    return (maxFields.get(0) - minFields.get(0));