Reading results data

The following list describes the objects in results data and the commands you use to read results data. As with model data you will find it useful to use the repository iterators to determine the keys of the results data repositories.


Steps are stored in the steps repository under the Odb object. The key to the steps repository is the name of the step. The following statements print out the keys of each step in the repository:

    odb_StepRepositoryIT stepIter( odb.steps() );
    for (stepIter.first(); !stepIter.isDone();
        cout << stepIter.currentKey().CStr() << endl;

The resulting output is


Each step contains a sequence of frames, where each increment of the analysis (or each mode in an eigenvalue analysis) that resulted in output to the output database is called a frame. The following statement assigns a variable to the last frame in the first step:

    odb_Step& step = odb.steps()["Step-1"];
    odb_SequenceFrame& allFramesInStep = step.frames();
    int numFrames = allFramesInStep.size();
    odb_Frame& lastFrame = allFramesInStep[numFrames-1];