- The root
An output database contains only one root assembly. You access the root
assembly through the OdbAssembly object.
myAssembly = odb.rootAssembly
- Part
Part instances are stored in the instances repository under
the OdbAssembly object. The following statements display
the repository keys of the part instances in the tutorial output database:
for instanceName in odb.rootAssembly.instances.keys():
print instanceName
The output database contains only one part instance, and the resulting
output is
- Regions
Regions in the output database are OdbSet objects.
Regions refer to the part and assembly sets stored in the output database. A
part set refers to elements or nodes in an individual part and appears in each
instance of the part in the assembly. An assembly set refers to the elements or
nodes in part instances in the assembly. A region can be one of the following:
A node set
An element set
A surface
For example, the following statement displays the node sets in the
OdbAssembly object:
print 'Node sets = ',odb.rootAssembly.nodeSets.keys()
The resulting output is
Node sets = ['ALL NODES']
The following statements display the node sets and the element sets in the
PART-1-1 part instance:
print 'Node sets = ',odb.rootAssembly.instances[
print 'Element sets = ',odb.rootAssembly.instances[
The resulting output is
Node sets = ['ALLN', 'BOT', 'CENTER', 'N1', 'N19', 'N481',
'N499', 'PUNCH', 'TOP']
Element sets = ['CENT', 'ETOP', 'FOAM', 'PMASS', 'UPPER']
The following statement assigns a variable
(topNodeSet) to the
'TOP' node set in the
PART-1-1 part instance:
topNodeSet = odb.rootAssembly.instances[
The type of the object to which topNodeSet
refers is OdbSet. After you create a variable
that refers to a region, you can use the variable to refer to a subset of field
output data, as described in
Using regions to read a subset of field output data.
- Materials
You can read material data from an output database.
Materials are stored in the materials repository under the
Odb object.
Access the materials repository using the command:
allMaterials = odb.materials
for materialName in allMaterials.keys():
print 'Material Name : ',materialName
To print isotropic elastic material properties in a material object:
for material in allMaterials.values():
if hasattr(material,'elastic'):
elastic = material.elastic
if elastic.type == ISOTROPIC:
print 'isotropic elastic behavior, type = %s' \
% elastic.moduli
title1 = 'Young modulus Poisson\'s ratio '
title2 = ''
if elastic.temperatureDependency == ON:
title2 = 'Temperature '
dep = elastic.dependencies
title3 = ''
for x in range(dep):
title3 += ' field # %d' % x
print '%s %s %s' % (title1,title2,title3)
for dataline in elastic.table:
print dataline
Some Material definitions have suboptions. For example, to access the
smoothing type used for biaxial test data specified for a hyperelastic
if hasattr(material,'hyperelastic'):
hyperelastic = material.hyperelastic
testData = hyperelastic.testData
if testData == ON:
if hasattr(hyperelastic,'biaxialTestData'):
biaxialTestData = hyperelastic.biaxialTestData
print 'smoothing type : ',biaxialTestData.smoothing
Material commands
describes the Material object commands in more detail.
- Sections
You can read section data from an output database.
Sections are stored in the sections repository under the
Odb object.
The following statements display the repository keys of the sections in an
output database:
allSections = odb.sections
for sectionName in allSections.keys():
print 'Section Name : ',sectionName
The Section object can be one of the various section
types. The type command provides information on the section
type. For example, to determine whether a section is of type
homogeneous solid section and to print it's thickness and
associated material name:
for mySection in allSections.values():
if type(mySection) == HomogeneousSolidSectionType:
print 'material name = ', mySection.material
print 'thickness = ', mySection.thickness
Similarily, to access the beam profile repository:
allProfiles = odb.profiles.values()
numProfiles = len(allProfiles)
print 'Total Number of profiles in the ODB : %d' \
% numProfiles
The Profile object can be one of the various profile
types. The type command provides information on the profile
type. For example, to output the radius of all circular profiles in the
for myProfile in allProfiles:
if type(myProfile) == CircularProfileType:
print 'profile name = %s, radius = %8.3f' \
% (myProfile.name,myProfile.r)
- Section
Section assignments are stored in the
odbSectionAssignmentArray repository under the
OdbAssembly object.
All elements in an
analysis need to be associated with section and material properties. Section
assignments provide the relationship between elements in a part instance and
their section properties. The section properties include the associated
material name. To access the sectionAssignments repository from
the PartInstance object:
instances = odb.rootAssembly.instances
for instance in instances.values():
assignments = instance.sectionAssignments
print 'Instance : ',instance.name
for sa in assignments:
region = sa.region
elements = region.elements
print ' Section : ',sa.sectionName
print ' Elements associated with this section : '
for e in elements:
print ' label : ',e.label
- Analytical rigid surfaces
Analytical rigid surfaces are defined under a OdbPart
object or a OdbInstance object. Each
OdbPart or OdbInstance can have only
one analytical rigid surface.
- Rigid
Rigid bodies are stored in the odbRigidBodyArray. The
OdbPart object, OdbInstance object,
and OdbAssembly object each have an
- Pretension
Pretension sections are stored in odbPretensionSectionArray
under the OdbAssembly object.