Return value

All commands return a value. Many commands return the None object described in Python None. Constructors (methods that create an object) always return the object being created. The return value of a command can be assigned to a Python variable. For example, in the following statement the Viewport constructor returns a Viewport object, and the variable newViewport refers to this new object.

newViewport = session.Viewport(name='myViewport', 
    origin=(10, 10), width=100, height=50)
You can use the object returned by a command in subsequent statements. For example, the titlebar member of a Viewport object is a Boolean specifying whether the viewport title bar is displayed and can have a value of either ON or OFF. The following statement tests the titlebar member of the new viewport created by the previous statement:
if newViewport.titleBar:
    print 'The title bar will be displayed.'